Chapter 17: The Sweet Life

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Her head snapped up, she couldn't believe the scene. Chishiya was there, hair tied back and he was in a suit. She couldn't wrap her head around this, Shuntaro Chishiya in a suit in front of her.

"Wh-" she was still reeling in the sight, "what's going on?"

"We're getting married in twenty minutes, aren't you ready?"


"O- oh... yeah... almost..."

A voice in the back of her mind, almost sounding like Kuina, tried to warn her. 'Usagi! It's not real!'

"Well, hurry up, your dad is rushing."


Usagi rushed on her dress; she felt like a real princess in it. She ran out of the changing rooms, where Chishiya wasn't supposed to be to begin with, as she was met with the sight of her father.

"Dad..." Usagi tried to not cry, it was her special day after all! Her father welcomed her with open arms as she tried to regain her composure.

"Are you ready?"

Usagi nodded, interlocking her arm with her father's. She saw Chishiya waiting for her by the altar and Mira, (since when was Mira in her wedding fantasies?), ready to officiate. Something seemed so off, but this was everything Usagi had ever wanted. Her father and the love of her life, on her wedding day, this perfect day.

Kuina soon came into view, the maid of honor, but she did not seem to be enjoying the festivities. As Usagi walked down the aisle, Kuina kept shaking her head, mouthing to her to quit it, stay right there.

Usagi just ignored her and continued on to meet her husband. She took a big breath in and finally, she was ready to get married.

"Do you, Shuntaro Chishiya, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Mira, again, sounded wrong. Something was different about her. Maybe Usagi finally caught on; but maybe she just wanted to see herself get married to him, not like it was ever going to happen in her lifetime. 

Or, maybe it would. Who knows, really? Maybe Chishiya was alive and well and this was her happy ending, she just had to earn it.

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