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"Darling, I'm home," Wooyoung called out playfully, knowing full well the only response he'd get would be the pitter-patter of tiny paws on the hardwood floor. His apartment, though empty of human companions, was instantly filled with the warmth of his energetic puppy's welcome.

"Missed me, huh, Kitten?" Wooyoung grinned, lifting the petite Yorkie into his arms. The pet's name was a playful twist, coined by a creative student, and it had amusingly stuck, much to Wooyoung's delight. It suited the spunky canine just fine. Having taught at the local American international school for several years, Wooyoung's life had assumed a rhythm that was steady and familiar. His decision to relocate to the U.S. was one made in unison with his companions, Mingi and Yunho. Yunho had secured an impressive job offer that had prompted the move, while Mingi joined Wooyoung at the school, sharing his passion for dance as the hip-hop instructor.

He was just settling down on the couch when his phone rang, disrupting the brief moment of tranquility. With a groan, he reached for the device, already suspecting who it might be.


"Hey, Woo, wanna go out tonight?" Mingi's singsong voice was hard to resist, carrying a persuasive cheerfulness that never failed to sway Wooyoung.

Wooyoung laughed, "You know, you only live three doors down. You could've just asked me in person."

Mingi's laughter echoed through the phone. "But where's the fun in that? I'll pick you up in twenty. Be ready!"

Shaking his head with a smile, Wooyoung hung up the phone. He glanced down at Kitten, who looked up at him with expectant eyes. "Looks like it's just you and your toys tonight, pal," he said, filling up the dog's bowl with food before heading to his room to get ready for the night.

While a part of him felt a twinge of guilt for still hitting the party scene at 32, Wooyoung knew he deserved to let loose every once in a while. School work could wait; tonight was about satisfying a different kind of need.

He pulled out a grunge-inspired mesh top and paired it with leather pants and a matching jacket. The reflection in the mirror showed a man who could easily pass for a decade younger, and it brought a satisfied smirk to his face.

In the bathroom, Wooyoung applied a touch of brown shimmery eyeshadow—a tip he'd picked up from Yunho—and a dab of lip tint. The final touch was a pair of green contact lenses that made his features stand out strikingly.

 The final touch was a pair of green contact lenses that made his features stand out strikingly

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"All set, Kitten. Daddy's going to have some fun tonight," he declared, giving the Yorkie a final pat before grabbing his keys and heading out to meet Mingi. The night was young, and so, Wooyoung felt, was he.

Wooyoung waited by his apartment door, anticipation mixing with the usual pre-night-out jitters. Soon, a knock signaled Mingi's arrival. The door swung open to reveal Mingi, clad in sleek black attire, the embodiment of nightlife readiness. "Hey, you ready?" Mingi inquired, a hint of excitement in his voice.

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