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As the car door swings open, Mina's eyes widen with delight at the sight of Wooyoung seated inside the vehicle. "Mr. Wooyoung, hi!" she beams, her voice brimming with excitement as she clambers into the middle seat, with San taking his place beside her.

"Hi, Mina. How's school?" Wooyoung asks warmly, assisting her with the seatbelt, his attention focused on her as she launches into a detailed account of her day.

With a smile, Wooyoung listens intently, nodding and engaging as Mina shares her experiences. Once she mentions her test, he offers words of encouragement. "Wow, I'm glad you had a good day. You're such a hard worker," Wooyoung praises her, impressed by her dedication.

San chimes in, adding to the conversation with a proud tone in his voice, "And because you're such a hard worker, we thought you deserved a little reward."

Mina turns towards her father with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. "A reward? What kind of reward?" she asks, her interest piqued.

San exchanges a knowing glance with Wooyoung, the shared secret of the fair visit adding to the anticipation. "You'll see," San teases, the smile on his face promising something special. Mina's eyes sparkle with the thrill of the surprise, and the car fills with a sense of joy as they continue their journey together.

Wooyoung can't contain his excitement any longer and lets the surprise slip, "We're going to the fair." Mina gasps in astonishment, her eyes lighting up with pure joy.

"Really?! Mr. Wooyoung is coming too?!" she exclaims, her voice rising with sheer delight. San nods in confirmation, sharing in her happiness.

"Yay! Best day ever," Mina cheers, kicking her little legs in the backseat, unable to sit still because of the thrilling news. Wooyoung watches her with a fond smile, touched by her enthusiasm.

Mina's face is the picture of gratitude as she turns to San, "Thank you," she says sincerely, her appreciation for the unexpected treat evident in her voice.


The fair is a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds, a vibrant energy pulsating through the air. The scent of popcorn and cotton candy fills the atmosphere as laughter and music create a backdrop to the evening. Mina is in awe, her eyes darting from one attraction to the next, trying to take it all in. San and Wooyoung share knowing smiles as they follow her lead, indulging in the games and rides, their spirits as high as the Ferris wheel that towers over the fairground.

As they weave through the crowd, Mina spots the photo booth, its exterior decorated with flashing lights and images of people wearing silly hats and oversized sunglasses. "Mr. Wooyoung, join us!" she exclaims, tugging at his hand with her small ones. Without hesitation, Wooyoung is pulled along, guided by the excited little girl into the cramped space of the photo booth.

Inside, it's a tight fit. Wooyoung looks at San, a playful glint in his eyes. "Can I join?" he asks, though he's already half inside the booth.

"Of course," San responds, his smile genuine and welcoming as he pulls Wooyoung closer to his side and drapes an arm around him. They squeeze together, making room for each other, their faces close enough for their cheeks to brush.

Mina is quick to press the button to start the photo sequence, and a countdown begins. They scramble to strike a pose, Mina in the front with a big grin, San and Wooyoung behind her, their faces a mix of joy and surprise. The flash goes off once, twice, three times, capturing the laughter, the silly faces, and the shared warmth between them.

When the photos finally prints, they come out in a strip of four. Each one with different personalities, mina takes them first and smiles,"I can't wait to show mommy and appa."

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