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The first rays of sunlight filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the quiet room. Wooyoung slowly drifts out of sleep, becoming aware of the comforting weight of an arm around him. He is nestled securely in San's embrace, his head resting against San's chest. He listens to the steady rhythm of San's heartbeat, a soothing lullaby that had accompanied him into slumber the night before.

Wooyoung gently shifts his gaze upward, catching sight of San's sleeping face. There's a tranquility there, a softness to his features that is only visible in these unguarded moments. The peaceful expression tugs at Wooyoung's heart, and he finds himself smiling at the sight.

Curiosity about the time nudges at him, and he attempts to wriggle out of San's arms without disturbing him. However, the slight movement elicits a sleepy whine from San, who tightens his grip instinctively.

"Don't sneak out, Woo," San mumbles, his voice heavy with sleep yet laced with a plea.

"I'm not," Wooyoung reassures, leaning up to plant a soft kiss on San's chin. "I just want to see the time. I would never just randomly leave you."

"Promise," San says, his eyes fluttering open to meet Wooyoung's gaze. There's a vulnerability in the word, a silent request for assurance.

"I promise," Wooyoung affirms, his voice steady and sincere. He smiles, the warmth in his chest growing as he leans in for a kiss. But as their lips are about to meet, San pulls back, making a face. "Morning breath," he grimaces playfully.

Wooyoung laughs, the sound light and genuine, as any lingering sleepiness dissipates. "Fair enough," he says, still close enough to feel San's breath against his skin. "Let's brush our teeth and then we can have a proper good morning kiss."

San nods in agreement, his smile returning. They untangle from each other, a shared anticipation for the day ahead. As they rise from the bed and make their way to freshen up.

After brushing their teeth together, an act as domestic as it is intimate, San and Wooyoung finally share the kiss they had postponed. It starts gentle and sweet, but soon San deepens it, his passion evident as he pulls Wooyoung closer. The connection between them is palpable, a silent conversation of lips and breath that speaks of deeper feelings and shared moments.

As they break away from the kiss, still caught in the closeness of the moment, the sound of small feet padding against the floor signals Mina's approach. The five-year-old rounds the corner, rubbing sleep from her eyes, a messy tangle of hair framing her face.

Mina stops in her tracks when she sees Wooyoung. Her eyes widen in the way only a child's can, full of surprise and unfiltered curiosity.

"Mr. Wooyoung?" she exclaims, her voice laced with the astonishment of finding her dance teacher in her home, especially in such close proximity to her dad. "Why are you here? Did you have a sleepover with us?"

In this moment, both San and Wooyoung are vividly aware of the innocence in Mina's question. They exchange a glance, silently communicating about how best to navigate this unexpected situation. San smiles reassuringly at his daughter, his words chosen with care to offer an explanation suitable for her young mind.

"Yes, sweetie, Mr. Wooyoung stayed over because it got very late last night," San explains gently. "We had a lot of fun at the fair yesterday, didn't we? And sometimes friends stay over so they don't have to go home when it's dark."

Mina processes this information, nodding slowly as it fits into her understanding of the world. Her initial surprise fades into acceptance, and a bright smile takes its place. "Okay! Can Mr. Wooyoung stay for breakfast?" she asks, her tone hopeful. "Can we have pancakes?"

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