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As Monday dawned, Wooyoung was awash with nerves, an uneasy sensation settling in the pit of his stomach. The thought of facing San again was daunting, and he wasn't confident in his ability to maintain composure should they cross paths. Dressing in a manner that balanced professionalism with comfort, he chose black breathable pants paired with an oversized white shirt—nothing that would stand out too much for a day at work. A spritz of flowery cologne added a finishing touch before he grabbed his phone and made his way downstairs, where his Uber was waiting.

The ride to the school's dance studio was a silent one, filled with Wooyoung's racing thoughts and anticipation. Upon arrival, he thanked the driver and stepped out, ready to begin another day of teaching and sharing his passion for dance. But as he entered the studio, an unexpected sight caught him off guard.

The head dance dean was there, flanked by three adults and a child. Wooyoung's heart skipped a beat as he approached, his gaze inadvertently locking onto the familiar figures of Winter and San, accompanied by another man and the shy child hiding behind them—Mina.

As he drew closer, the dean introduced him. "You may remember Jung Wooyoung from 5 months ago," the dean said, prompting a strained smile from Winter. "Yeah, nice seeing you," she replied, her smile not quite reaching her eyes.

Wooyoung bowed politely, his mouth forming words before his brain could catch up. "Hello, I'm grateful to see you," he said, chastising himself inwardly for the awkward choice of words. His eyes couldn't help but notice the subtle dynamics at play—Winter's hand briefly entwined with the unfamiliar man's before she let go.

Turning his attention to Mina, Wooyoung crouched down to her level, offering her a warm and reassuring smile. "Hi Mina, we're happy to have you here," he said, hoping to make her feel welcome and at ease. In that moment, Wooyoung's professionalism shone through, reminding him of his role not just as a teacher, but as a supportive figure to the aspiring dancers who entered his studio.

Wooyoung's reassuring promise to Mina elicited a nod from the little girl, a sign that she understood and perhaps even felt a flicker of excitement about the prospects of her dance practice. As he took in the sight of his other students beginning to arrive, the dean addressed Winter and her parents, explaining the usual policy of not allowing parents to stay for practice but making an exception for the day. Winter expressed her gratitude, and Wooyoung, momentarily considering the comfort of the parents, decided to provide chairs for them.

He then turned his attention back to Mina, offering a gentle suggestion. "There's a locker room for you to get dressed in. Do you want your mommy to help you?" he asked in a kind tone. Mina glanced at Winter, seeking her consent. With a nod, Winter took Mina's hand, and Wooyoung led them to the locker rooms, sharing the code for an empty locker. Winter muttered a quiet "thanks" before attending to her daughter.

As Wooyoung returned to the studio, he released a heavy, stress-laden sigh. He set about preparing the space for the 8 am practice, his movements punctuated by the soft strains of classical music that now filled the room. As he stretched out on the beam, he consciously tried to focus on the upcoming session, pushing aside the distracting thought that his ex was just across the room.

The dance session went exceptionally well, and Mina quickly proved to be a natural, integrating with the other children with ease. Wooyoung couldn't help but cheer for her as she showcased her ballet prowess during a freeze-style game, her advanced moves for her age drawing amazement and applause from her peers. Her radiant smile, so reminiscent of Winter's, caught Wooyoung's attention for a fleeting moment, but he quickly turned his gaze toward the proud parents watching from the side. After the routine, he offered Mina an enthusiastic high five in celebration of her performance.

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