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Wooyoung found himself at a loss for words, confronted with the earnest eyes of a 5-year-old Mina who was practically begging him to come to her house for dinner. Her request was simple yet sincere, with the straightforward desire of a child who wanted to share something she enjoyed with someone she liked.

He glanced at San,  as he spoke then look at Mina, "Wow, Mina, that's a very kind invitation," Wooyoung began, choosing his words carefully. "I love kimchi, and I'm really flattered you want me to join you. But dinners are special, right? They're a time for you and your dad to spend together."

"My dad said he wouldn't mind, if you wasn't busy. He would love to have you join." Mina says, causing san to Jolt. the toddler clearly dramaticize what's san  originally said to her.

"Oh?" wooyoung asked not knowing how to get out the situation.

San recovered quickly, addressing Wooyoung with a calm yet apologetic tone, " Mina, sweetheart, I said that it would be nice to have Mr. Wooyoung over sometime, but we didn't set a specific time. We both have to make sure we're not busy and that it's a good day for it, right?"

Turning to Mina, San knelt down to her level, speaking gently, "I love that you want to share things you enjoy with people you like. But next time talk with Mr. Wooyoung and find a day that works for everyone. How does that sound?"

Wooyoung, understanding the position San was in, nodded in agreement. Not sure if this okay, he knows that san wants him to stay away.

"Saturday?" Mina asked, her innocent question unwittingly.

San laughed softly, diffusing any tension that might have arisen from the mention of Valentine's Day—he rather not spend with wooyoung. "Baby, that's Valentine's Day, I'm sure Mr. Wooyoung is super busy that day, plus I was hoping to spend it with my favorite girl," San explained.

Wooyoung then gently reaffirmed the message to Mina, "Valentine's Day is a day to show love, and there's no one better for your dad to spend it with than you, Mina. You'll have the best time together! And we'll find another day that's not so busy for everyone."

Mina nods alllowing the conversation end on a positive note. Mina waves goodbye to her favorite teacher and wooyoung watch san leaves with his daughter.

wooyoung goes back to his studio and lets out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding, he adores Mina but hates the situation she puts him and San in, unknowingly.

The familiar chime of a text message pulled Wooyoung from his thoughts. He glanced at his phone to see a message from Hendery. A hint of disappointment washed over him as he read about the cancellation of their Valentine's Day plans due to work. Hendery, uncle to one of his old students, had been Wooyoung's chosen company for the day that often amplified feelings of loneliness for many.

Wooyoung had grown accustomed to spending Valentine's Day by himself. Five years of loneliness on a day celebrated by couples had inured him to the pang of spending it solo.

He typed a quick, understanding response to Hendery, assuring him that it was okay and that they could catch up another time. wooyoung knows too well that there won't be a next time.

"great." wooyoung huffs , laying on the studio floor.


Exhausted from the demands of his day, Wooyoung arrived at Mingi's place to pick up his furry companion, Kitten, the yorkie. Mingi, a steadfast friend, had been looking after the little dog while Wooyoung had been away.

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