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i lowkey wanna write mingi's story. jus lowkey😗

Wooyoung had managed to shed the sunglasses, a symbol of his attempts to hide the pain he felt from his encounters with San. He had resolved to push through, to conceal any lingering hurt and present a composed front to the world around him.

Upon arriving at Mingi's apartment, where Yunho was also staying, Wooyoung was greeted by the familiar and comforting signs of domestic life. The sound of someone cooking signaled Yunho's return from Korea, a detail that didn't escape Wooyoung as he entered.

With a practiced smile, Wooyoung greeted Yunho, who was busy preparing dinner. "Hey, Wooyoung, glad you can make it to dinner," Yunho said warmly.

Wooyoung couldn't help but probe, half in jest, half seeking reassurance. "No surprise guests, right?" The last thing he wanted was an unexpected encounter with San, which would undoubtedly send him spiraling back into a state where sunglasses might be necessary.

Yunho met Wooyoung's eyes with an apologetic look. "I'm very sorry about both of those times."

"It's okay, don't worry. I'm over it," Wooyoung lied, a part of him still aching from the unresolved issues with San. It had only been three days, and his heart was far from healed—

Mingi, seemingly oblivious to Wooyoung's inner turmoil, interrupted his thoughts. "Wooyoung, let me show you this dancer Yunho saw from his trip home." Mingi was enthusiastic, thrusting his phone into Wooyoung's face, eager to share the excitement of his discovery.

Wooyoung's gaze shifted from Yunho to the phone screen, his heart's ache momentarily replaced by curiosity. As he watched the dancer move, he allowed himself to be distracted by the artistry on display, a brief respite from his emotional struggles.

Mingi's excitement was palpable as he extolled the virtues of the dancer on the screen. "His name is Jiung; he's such a natural. I gotta have him on my team," he said, his voice filled with the kind of enthusiasm that was infectious, even to someone preoccupied like Wooyoung.

Wooyoung watched the video, observing Jiung's movements. The teenager was breakdancing with a level of skill and fluidity that spoke of raw talent and dedicated practice. His movements were sharp yet smooth, each transition executed with the confidence of a seasoned performer. It was clear why Mingi was so taken with him.

"Wow, he is good," Wooyoung could admit, offering a genuine smile. It felt good to focus on something positive, to share in Mingi's excitement over potential and talent. "He'd be a great addition to the team."

Yunho's voice carried through the apartment as he announced his intention to answer the door. Mingi nodded, his attention momentarily diverted from his phone and the video of Jiung's breakdancing. As Yunho approached the door and opened it, his expression shifted to one of mild surprise.

San's unexpected appearance at Yunho's doorstep was a precarious situation, especially considering Wooyoung's presence inside. Yunho's concern was evident as he stepped outside to address San. "Ah, what are you doing here?" he asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"I'm surprised to see you here," San replied, his expression conveying his own shock at the coincidence.

"San, you can't come unannounced," Yunho cautioned, his voice low. "Wooyoung is here, and I really rather not get in trouble for having you here."

San's intention was clear, though: "I was hoping to ask if you knew where he is. I don't have his number, and I really wanted to talk to him."

Yunho shook his head, his stance firm yet apologetic. "I'm sorry, Mingi would literally kill me, and I don't want to piss him off," he said, expressing his inability to help.

Accepting the situation, San nodded and walked away. His concern for Wooyoung, coupled with Mina's upset at not seeing her favorite teacher, compelled him to consider stopping by Wooyoung's house. However, ultimately, he decided to head home.

Upon reaching his apartment building, which wasn't too far away, San entered to the sounds of laughter and joy. Inside, his daughter Mina and Winter were being playfully tickled by Jeno, who was demanding a declaration of how much they missed him, or else Winter's feet would be the next target.

"I missed you so so so much, Appa," Mina laughed, her voice filled with the innocent joy of a child reunited with her loved one.

San paused in the doorway of the living room, taking in the sight of his happy family. It was a heartwarming scene—one that momentarily lifted the weight from his shoulders.

Winter collected herself and greeted him with a smile. "Hey, San, how's work?" she inquired. She and Jeno had arrived in America that day and had surprised Mina at school—a wonderful surprise that had evidently led to this moment of familial bliss.

"It was long and boring," San said with a shrug when asked about his day, then inquired about their flight.

"Equally long and boring," Winter replied, mirroring San's sentiment, while Jeno chuckled and added, "I managed to sleep pretty well, though."

"You sure did, drooling all over me. I felt like I was caring for three babies instead of two," Winter teased, then suddenly gasped as she realized the implication of her words. San looked at her in shock.

"What happened, Mommy?" Mina asked with innocent curiosity, climbing onto her mother's lap. Jeno laughed at Winter's accidental revelation. Winter playfully swatted at Jeno's arm. "Look what you made me say."

"Are you really...?" San trailed off, his eyes shifting between Winter and Mina, who seemed to sense the significance of the moment.

"Yes, I'm pregnant," Winter admitted with a playful sigh, feigning embarrassment. Jeno's smile widened as he proudly announced, "And I'm the father, once again."

"Are you sure about that?" San joked, attempting to lighten the mood, but Winter missed the humor.

"Of course, I'm pregnant," Winter said matter-of-factly, poking Mina's cheeks. "You're going to be a big sister!"

"Yay!" Mina cheered in excitement.

"I was trying to make a joke, but it seems I failed. Anyway, I'm really happy for both of you," San said, smiling warmly.

"Thank you, San. And you should know, you're welcome to be a part of his life too," Winter offered, sharing the joyous moment with San. Their friendship had grown so close that it was hard for her to imagine her children without San's presence in their lives.

"Thank you," San replied, touched by the gesture. Mina, picking up on her mother's words, suddenly exclaimed, "His? I don't want a brother—yuck! I want a sister."

Jeno gently poked Mina's cheeks, saying, "Aw, don't be like that. Whatever the baby is, you'll love them just the same."

"We'll see about that," Mina retorted sassily before standing up to retrieve her iPad from her room.

"She's becoming quite sassy. What shows have you been letting her watch?" Winter asked, amused by her daughter's attitude.

Jeno wrapped an arm around Winter's shoulder, comforting her. "She's just growing up," he said fondly.

San smiled at the family's interaction, allowing them their moment while trying not to feel like an outsider. He walked to the kitchen, lost in thought. Observing the couple's affection for each other, he couldn't help but sigh, regretting his recent harshness toward Wooyoung.

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