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San stood motionless, the cool night air from the slightly ajar window brushing against his skin. The city's cacophony of honking cars and distant sirens was a stark contrast to the silence that filled the apartment. In his hand, the apple juice caught the glint of the city lights, shimmering like a beacon of home comfort in this concrete jungle. The night was alive, but within him, a quiet realization was unfolding.

Winter's presence was sudden, but not startling; her approach was as familiar as the memories that clung to the corners of this new yet daunting chapter. She slipped into view, the oversized shirt hanging off her frame that belonged to Jeno. San recall him wearing it earlier today.

He turned, a half-smile playing on his lips, "Can't sleep?"

Her response was as easy as her demeanor, "With Jeno snoring? No chance." She claimed his cup with the ease of long-established camaraderie, taking a sip. To San, she was the sister fate had forgotten to give him.

"What's keeping you up?" Winter inquired, her gaze joining his as they peered into the night.

"Just thinking," San mumbled, his voice a blend of wonder and wistfulness, "We're in New York." A chuckle escaped him, disbelief lacing the sound. "I met up with my old friends, and it didn't feel the same. He seemed miserable."

Winter yawned, her weariness momentarily overshadowing her attempt at levity. "It happens to the best of us," she observed, turning to face him. His eyes remained anchored to the view outside, but it was clear his thoughts were elsewhere. "It makes me think the city will stress me out."

"San, if you want to go back home, I understand. I'll just stay out here with Mina," she offered, her words a testament to her unwavering support, a lifeline in the vast sea of change that was New York.

He shook his head gently in response to her offer, a subtle dismissal of retreat. The job opportunity that brought him here—to guide Mina and offer her the chance of a lifetime—was too precious to abandon, even if it meant facing the ghosts of his past in the form of Wooyoung, his ex's husband.

"I'll get over it," he declared, more to himself than to Winter. His words were terse, a protective shell around the vulnerability he wasn't prepared to show. Handing back the cup, he offered a semblance of a smile, a silent gratitude for the company and understanding she'd provided.

"Good night, Winter," he said softly, retreating from the window, from the skyline that was both a dream and a reminder of the complexities of his life.


As they traversed the expansive corridors of the company school that morning, the structure loomed like a bastion of academia, reminiscent of a small-scale university. The school year was well underway, yet here they were, introducing Mina to an unfamiliar environment, her hand clasped firmly within San's. His heart was buoyant with pride as he watched her stride with the untroubled confidence of a child embarking on a novel endeavor.

"Are you excited?" San inquired, his voice a blend of encouragement and paternal pride.

Mina's affirmative nods. San marveled at her fortitude, embarking on this educational journey mid-semester, a daring feat that spoke volumes of her resilience.

His gaze, however, faltered upon sighting Wooyoung, a figure from a chapter in his life he had endeavored to close. The instinct to avert his eyes, to evade the unwanted confrontation, was strong. Yet, before he could steer Mina away, she released his hand. With the uninhibited curiosity of youth, she approached Wooyoung, her greeting punctuating the air.

Frozen momentarily, San was a witness to the unforeseen interaction.

Wooyoung crouched down to Mina's level, his smile broad and welcoming as she stepped into his embrace. Her sociability shone through in her actions, a trait that made her beloved to those around her.

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