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Eric approached San with a stride that crackled with vivacity, his eyes gleaming with a scheme that only the best of friends could recognize. Their arms linked in an effortless choreography of camaraderie, and Eric's grin was the kind that didn't just occupy his mouth but took over his whole face. "Lunch together, on me," he announced, his voice carrying a timbre of excitement that seemed to echo off the walls.

San, whose eyes mirrored the mischief in Eric's, couldn't let the moment pass without a playful jab. "You're in a good mood," he observed with a smirk, his fingers slipping from Eric's grip in a mock struggle for independence. "You always want to pay, let me pay this time," he contended, the light-hearted challenge dancing in his eyes reflecting the deep-seated respect and affection he held for Eric.

Eric's acquiescence was swift, a simple "Fine," but it was underscored by a warmth that belied his brief words. The ease of their interaction was like a well-rehearsed play, each knowing their part by heart.

The air between them shifted as San was about to propose the inclusion of Jacob and Hyunjae in their luncheon, but Eric was quicker, "No." His smile attenuated, eyes locking with San's in a silent confession of exclusivity. "They just left for lunch a minute ago, um, I was gonna go but I like having lunch with you."

There was a tangible sincerity in Eric's tone, a kind of honesty that was as rare as it was appreciated. It drew a gentle smile from San, one that was both thankful and knowing, an acknowledgment of the special bond they had cultivated within the tempestuous dynamics of their office life.

Their journey to Eric's car became a seamless transition from jovial banter to earnest conversation. "How was your daughter's play?" Eric ventured, the question punctuated by a genuine curiosity as they slipped into the comfort of his vehicle.

San's response was animated, though tinged with a hint of bewilderment. "It was amazing, but I had this wave of exhaustion hit me afterward, almost missed the whole thing," he recounted, still puzzled over the fatigue that had ambushed him despite a restful night and a strong morning coffee.

Eric's concern was immediate, his voice playfully morphing into a tone of exaggerated worry. "Aw, you gotta take care of yourself, Sannie," he chided, the affectionate nickname delivered in such a silly register that laughter was the only possible response from San.

With a shake of his head and a chuckle, San promised to be more mindful of his health, even as he pondered the mystery of his unexpected tiredness.

Seeking a different subject, San probed, "So, how'd you spend your day off?" Eric, with a hesitant smile, shared a tale of a date that unraveled, lacking the spark he had hoped for.

In a moment of unguarded honesty, Eric let a secret slip, his words a mere breath, "It's probably because I have a crush on someone else, and they were all I could think about." His voice was so faint it was as if he was entrusting his feelings to the air itself.

With a mix of concern and curiosity, San nudged him for more. "Who's the lucky person?" he asked, an amused smile playing on his lips.

Eric's face turned a shade of pink, a silent acknowledgment of his overexposure. "Never mind, don't worry about it, haha," he stumbled over his words, quickly trying to put the lid back on his confession.

"Look, you obviously like this person a lot. Why don't you ask them out?" San encouraged with a smile.

Eric's cheeks flushed with a soft pink hue, betraying his nerves. "I have, actually. Several times," he admitted quietly.

San's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Really? How'd that go for you?"

"Not great. I think... I think it's one-sided," Eric's voice was tinged with resignation as he maneuvered the car into a parking spot.

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