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San was at work, the usual hum of keyboards and soft chatter filling the office space. He was collecting his thoughts when he overheard Hendery's voice, tinged with a sneer, talking about Wooyoung. The room's dynamic shifted as their coworkers noticed San's entrance, their attempts to distance themselves from the gossip transparent and half-hearted. Hendery, unphased, decided to push harder. "I don't need a guy who's been passed around anyways," he said, loud enough for San to hear.

San's eyes met Hendery's, who returned the look with feigned innocence, mouthing "What?" as if he hadn't just spoken so cruelly.

"You just annoy me," San stated coolly, brushing past Hendery, who couldn't resist a parting shot. "He came running back to you? If you want him, you can have him. He's nothing special," Hendery taunted, smirking confidently as he stood.

Turning back with restraint etched into his features, San replied with a controlled intensity, "You're so delusional it's sad." He moved to his cubicle, refusing to let the office drama disturb him. He wasn't here for them; their opinions were neither his concern nor his business.

As San settled into his work, Eric approached him tentatively. San's response was sharper than intended, "What." Immediately regretful, he softened, "Sorry, Eric, what's up?"

Eric, a hint of a blush on his cheeks, asked for a reminder on fixing a program issue — something San had shown him just yesterday. San, ever patient, nodded and walked Eric through the solution. Eric's closeness was noticeable. San could smell his cologne, a subtle scent of lavender that brought a smile to his face, reminding him of Wooyoung.

"What got you smiling?" Eric asked, his own smile coy, his gaze lingering a little too long, the blush on his cheeks deepening.

San shook his head, "It's nothing," San replied, redirecting the conversation back to the coding issue. He patiently explained the steps, and Eric watched intently, "You make this look so easy," Eric said, impressed.

"It's simple, really, but let me know if you need help again," San offered after a moment when their proximity became noticeable. He rolled his chair back slightly, ensuring some space between them.

Eric chuckled, feeling the awkwardness on his side, and thanked San before leaving. Despite Eric's clear interest, San was oblivious to the flirting,

At the end of the day, San encountered Hendery again. They bumped shoulders, and Hendery gave a sarcastic apology."Sorry!" San, maintaining his composure, simply moved on. Again, Hendery was lucky that he didn't want to risk himself being sent back to korea if he let Hendery get to him. He didn't want to be a disappointment to his company.

Taking an Uber to his next destination, San was surprised to find himself in the same building—and then the same elevator—as Wooyoung. Smiling at the coincidence, he said, "I think I'm believing in fate," as he wrapped his arms around Wooyoung.

"Just now?" Wooyoung snorted, a laugh escaping him even as he felt San's lips on his neck.

San responded, not with words but with a kiss, capturing Wooyoung's lips with his. The elevator carried them up, and their kiss lasted until they reached Wooyoung's floor.

Wooyoung led the way to his apartment, the sound of his keys jingling a familiar prelude to what was about to unfold. As he unlocked the door and stepped inside, he felt San's presence close behind him, a little too eager, a little too rushed. Before he could turn around, Wooyoung was gently but firmly pinned against the wall, San's hands pressing against the cool surface on either side of him. This dance between them had become something of a routine when San visited—intense and consuming.

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