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filler chapter bc i wanted to write about sans work life !

The sharp sound of a ringing phone pulls Wooyoung from his somber thoughts, abruptly ending his inward spiral. He glances down and is calmed by the sight of San, who looks utterly peaceful cuddled against him. Wooyoung fumbles his hand in the crevices of the couch, searching for the source of the interruption.

Successfully retrieving the device, Wooyoung realizes it's not his own phone that's ringing but San's. Noticing the caller ID, he gently prods San's cheek to rouse him, "Hey, your phone."

Groggy from sleep, San stirs and cracks open an eye only to shut it again, "Who's calling?"

"Eric," Wooyoung informs him, reading the name off the screen and handing over the phone for San to take the call.

San, however, dismisses the call with a swipe of his finger. "Oh?"

"I'll call him later; he's a coworker," San explains, indicating that the call isn't urgent enough to disturb their current comfort. Wooyoung nods in understanding, settling back into the tranquility of their shared space.

San nestles closer to Wooyoung, seeking comfort, yet Wooyoung can't help but wonder, "What if it's important?" His hand instinctively combs through San's jet-black hair, trying to ease the tension.

Reluctantly, San groans and activates his phone, checking for any indication of the call's urgency. He sits up and brings the phone to his ear. "Hey, what's up?" San inquires, his voice still heavy with the remnants of sleep.

Meanwhile, Wooyoung stands and pats his pockets, finding his own phone on him. He's a little disoriented, trying to shake off the last vestiges of unexpected slumber. As he walks over to his dog's spot, he wonders how he managed to fall asleep in the first place. He fills the bowl with food and hums, "Dinner time," watching his dog eagerly approach the meal.

After ensuring his pet is fed, Wooyoung checks the time on his phone and sees it's already 7 pm. He returns to the living room just in time to see San, now fully alert, slipping on his shoes with a look of irritation. "I have to go," San states, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Wooyoung gives a nod of acceptance. "Okay."

As San gets ready to leave, Wooyoung offers a warm farewell. "I'll see you soon." San winks at him, before heading towards the elevator.

San stands in the elevator, a heavy sigh escaping him, laced with a string of muttered curses. He'd been hoping for more time with Wooyoung, perhaps even to spend the night. He'd already informed Winter via text that he wouldn't be returning home.

Instead, his evening is destined to unfold within the confines of his workplace. The reason? A frustrating setback: someone has erased the project he's been laboring over with his colleagues—Eric, Jacob, and Hyunjae. Their presentation, scheduled for just three days away, had been focused on an innovative IT solution for streamlining cloud data migrations across multiple platforms. Now, all that hard work seemed to vanish into thin air.

Thankfully, Jacob had retained their last rough draft. It was a small mercy, but it meant an all-nighter was in store to salvage what they could.

As the elevator doors open, San spots Eric rolling into a parking space right in front of him. Eric had kindly offered to pick him up, knowing he was en route to the office anyway. "Hey sleepyhead, I got coffee and Red Bull," Eric greets him with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

San rolls his eyes but appreciates the gesture as he gets into the car. "Thanks for picking me up, but I'm not exactly thrilled about tonight," he admits, closing the door. "Whoever deleted our project had better hope they remain anonymous."

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