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The ride back to Wooyoung's apartment was shrouded in the sort of silence that begged to be broken, yet neither Wooyoung nor Mingi seemed ready to shatter it. The events of the night hung heavily between them, a mix of confusion, concern, and the unasked question: What was Wooyoung's ex doing here in New York, thousands of miles from where their shared history had been left?

"I didn't know he was here either," Mingi finally said, glancing at Wooyoung, who seemed lost in the passing cityscape.

"That's hard to believe, he's literally your best friend," Wooyoung retorted, his voice laced with a mix of emotions.

The truth came out in a sigh from Mingi. "We haven't really talked in 5 years. He's more friends with Seonghwa than me," he admitted. "I saw him when I was looking for you, then boom, we found you."

Wooyoung mumbled a curse under his breath, lamenting his decision to leave the safety of his home that evening.

Mingi tried to offer some solace, albeit with a tinge of uncertainty. "Hey, don't worry. New York City is a big city; you probably won't see him again." Yet even as he said it, Mingi knew the chances were not as slim as he made them seem.

Wooyoung, reaching for his vape pen, discovered it missing, adding another layer of frustration to the night's events.

When they arrived at his place, he made a beeline for the shower, desperate to wash away the remnants of the evening's turmoil.

Wooyoung, enveloped in the heat of the shower, found his thoughts wandering uncontrollably to San. The unexpected reunion, though initially unwanted, had stirred up old feelings that Wooyoung thought he had long since buried. The image of San as a superhero, broad and dashing, wasn't just a product of his drunk mind of what just happened earlier.

Despite his initial reluctance to encounter San, Wooyoung found himself grateful for the intervention that saved him from an unsettling situation. A smile curled his lips at the thought of San playing the hero, a role that seemed fitting in his slightly intoxicated state. With the steam from the shower wrapping around him, Wooyoung's mind painted a picture of San—strong and gallant—resonating with a charm that was hard to dismiss.

Caught in a reverie, Wooyoung imagined San's smile directed at him, a look of genuine care etched on his face. The fantasy continued with San's voice, gentle and concerned, asking, "Are you okay?" The words were more than a query; they were a refuge. Wooyoung could almost feel the embrace that followed, the firm yet tender hold of San's arms around him. It was a reminder of a time when safety and happiness were found in the simplest of gestures—a hug, a kiss from San.

The warmth of the shower intensified the sensation, bringing with it a surge of arousal as Wooyoung entertained these thoughts of his ex. He grappled with the ethics of indulging in such a fantasy. Was it wrong to seek solace in the imagined touch of someone he had once loved, even if only in the confines of his mind and the privacy of the shower?

Wooyoung hands answers his questions as his eyes flutter shut, when he feels his own hand touching his groin thinking about san. with each stroke he reminds himself that it's not wrong. It's not like he does this all the time.

wooyoung strokes himself faster causing small whimpers escape from his lips, when he feels a sensation fill in his lower area. "fuck san." he breathes out, feeling himself reaching his peak,"fuck."

it didn't take him to release himself in his hand and on top of that feel embarrassed. he really just came to the thought of his ex."fuck."


On the crisp Saturday morning that followed his unexpected encounter with San, Wooyoung walked his dog along the familiar streets, his mind now unclouded by the haze of alcohol. The reality that San was back in town hovered over him like a persistent shadow, stirring up a mix of confusion and curiosity about the reasons behind his return. San and Winter had made it abundantly clear that they weren't keen on uprooting their lives and moving to America.

So, what could have brought San to new york ?

A vacation seemed plausible, but there was a part of Wooyoung that hoped for a different reason—one that involved Mina's future. Despite the personal history, Wooyoung couldn't deny Mina's extraordinary talent, and the thought of another company snapping her up before his own could weigh heavily on his conscience.

Lost in these thoughts, Wooyoung paused as his dog took a bathroom break. He diligently cleaned up after his pet, disposing of the waste in the nearest garbage bin before resuming their walk. The weekend offered him no respite; Wooyoung's schedule remained packed.

Beyond his role as a teacher, he continued to dance with his team, choreographing routines for various singers. Today's task loomed over him: he needed to finalize and send out a video sample of a dance he had crafted for a pop artist.

Upon returning to his apartment building, Wooyoung and his dog rode the elevator up in silence. As he made his way to his apartment, he passed by Mingi and Yunho, whose raised voices were unmistakable through the walls. A frown creased Wooyoung's face—Mingi and Yunho were his friends, and it pained him to hear them in distress. He hoped that whatever issues they were facing would be resolved peacefully and that their friendship would endure whatever storm was brewing.

wooyoung enters his apartment and grabs his phone on the counter to see he had miss calls from Haknyeon. He calls him back," Hello?" wooyoung asked.

"Dude! We won! we're getting bonus on her checks." the older coworker yells with glee and wooyoung leans on his counter,"what are you talking about."

"Choi Mina is coming to America ! she'll be doing the spring semester!" Haknyeon says with glee, and wooyoung froze in surprise,"We are getting a bonus Ceo Hui is so happy with us."

"oh okay." was all wooyoung could say, he couldn't believe that they changed their minds about Mina, and on top of that Winter and San being in New york. "That's good news." wooyoung says.

beg • woosan (book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora