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Wooyoung, having settled in for the night with his favorite TV show, was startled by the unexpected knock at his door. His dog, Kitten, barked as if sensing the distress on the other side. When Wooyoung opened the door, he was met with the sight of a distraught Mingi.

"I'm done with him," Mingi muttered before breaking down in tears. Wooyoung was taken aback, having always seen Mingi and Yunho as the perfect couple. He quickly ushered Mingi inside, closing the door behind them.

"What's going on?" Wooyoung asked, his voice laced with concern.

"He's completely changed; he won't stop drinking, and he says he doesn't love me anymore." Mingi cried into his hands, the pain evident in his voice. "I want the old Yunho back."

"I'm sorry, Mingi," Wooyoung said, frowning sympathetically as he guided Mingi to sit down.

"No, I'm sorry," Mingi sniffled, wiping away his tears. "San came a few minutes before you did, and I didn't know Yunho invited him."

Wooyoung sighed, not understanding why the conversation had pivoted to him. "I'm fine. I'm just concerned about you and Yunho," Wooyoung reassured, rubbing Mingi's back. "Tomorrow—"

"No, it's literally over. I'm done with him. I came to America for him and this stupid job, and now he wants to blame me for everything," Mingi said bitterly.

"Okay, what's your next step?" Wooyoung asked, fully supporting Mingi's decision regardless of what it might be.

Mingi shrugged, a lost look in his eyes. "I wanna go back home," he admitted, the weight of his heartache heavy in the air.

Wooyoung nodded, understanding the depth of Mingi's pain. "If that's what you need to heal, to find some peace, then you should do it. You're not alone, Mingi. I'm here for you," Wooyoung offered, his words genuine and full of empathy.

Together, they sat in the living room, the TV forgotten, as Wooyoung provided a willing ear and a shoulder to lean on for his friend in need.

The night passed with Mingi finding solace in the company of Wooyoung, and the two of them fell asleep without meaning to. The following morning, Wooyoung woke up to the realization that he was nearly late for work. Despite the rush, he remembered his promise to Mina and made a detour to a cafe to grab a special treat for the two of them to share.

Breathless and flustered, Wooyoung hurried into the studio, offering sheepish apologies to the waiting parents. He quickly composed himself and gathered the children for their morning lessons, ensuring everything was back on track.

As the lesson came to a close, Mina approached Wooyoung with her lunchbox in hand. "Daddy made you something," she said, presenting the food with a smile. Wooyoung was surprised that San would prepare something for him, considering their strained past. Gratefully, he accepted the gesture, and as the other children left, he sat down with Mina to enjoy their lunch together.

Midway through their meal, San entered the classroom to pick up Mina. He noticed Wooyoung had kept his promise and was sharing a meal with his daughter. Mina, excited to see her father, eagerly offered him a cookie. "Dad, try this cookie Mr. Wooyoung got."

Wooyoung's heart skipped a beat, his alarm clear. "Wait, sweetie, that has raisins in it; your dad's allergic to it."

San's eyes widened in surprise. Thanks to Wooyoung's attentive intervention, a potential mishap was averted. Wooyoung quickly handed Mina a different cookie, one without raisins. "Chocolate chip, my favorite. Thank you, Mina," San said with a warm smile, taking the safe cookie from her.

San picked up his daughter, planting a thankful kiss on her cheek. "Are you ready to go?" he asked.

Mina nodded enthusiastically. "Yes."

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