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As San dropped Mina off at Mingi's place early in the morning, his attention was captured by the enthusiastic greeting of a dog that he immediately recognized. The dog bounded toward him with a familiarity that indicated their paths had crossed before.

"A dog!" Mina squealed in delight, immediately taking to the friendly animal, her hands eagerly petting its fur.

San watched the interaction, the dog's presence stirring memories. "Yeah, I'm watching Wooyoung's dog," Mingi explained, noticing San's recognition of the pet as he closed the front door. "If that's okay,"

"The dog didn't do anything to me," San replied nonchalantly, setting down Mina's bag.

As the hands of the clock edged toward the time San needed to leave, Mingi thoughtfully provided Mina with a blanket and pillow to allow her to get a bit more sleep before school. "Rest, Mina, and I'll see you after school. Be good, okay?" San instructed gently.

Mina, already feeling the early start to her day, nodded sleepily and yawned, snuggling into the makeshift bed Mingi had prepared for her. She was comfortable and content, which was all San could ask for in that moment.

San expressed his gratitude to Mingi once more. Mingi, ever the reliable friend, reassured him with a casual wave. "It's fine, really. Go on and knock 'em dead at work," Mingi said, offering a supportive smile.

With a final glance at his daughter, now dozing quietly, San felt a sense of reassurance. He stepped out of Mingi's house, the sky just beginning to lighten with the promise of a new day. As San made his way to start his first day at his new job, he carried with him the comfort of knowing that Mina was in good hands .

San walked into his new workplace, a mixture of nerves and excitement bubbling within him. The office was bustling with activity, the hum of computers and the soft murmur of conversations creating a backdrop of corporate life. He found his way to the IT department, where he was greeted by a group of individuals who were as diverse as they were welcoming.

He set up at his new workstation, and it wasn't long before a tall, lanky man with a friendly demeanor approached him. "Hey, you must be San, the new guy," the man said with a warm smile, extending his hand. "I'm Soobin."

San shook Soobin's hand, feeling a bit more at ease. "Nice to meet you, Soobin. Yeah, I'm still getting my bearings, but everyone's been really helpful."

As they chatted about the usual new-job topics—best lunch spots, office protocols, and the quirkiest printers—Soobin mentioned his family. San found common ground quickly.

"You have a daughter, right? Mine goes to the local school here. She's been taking dance classes," Soobin shared, his face lighting up with parental pride.

San's interest piqued. "Really? My daughter, Mina, goes to the same school. She also takes dance classes there."

"No way! Small world," Soobin exclaimed. "Is she in Mr. Wooyoung's class by any chance?"

"Yeah, she is," San replied, surprised.

"He's an amazing teacher," Soobin assured with a nod. "My kid adores his classes. He's got a way with the kids that's just... well, amazing."

Before San could respond, another coworker sauntered over. "Who are we talking about?" he asked, his curiosity evident in his tone.

Soobin rolled his eyes playfully at the interruption, then turned to introduce San. "This is Hendery. San, meet Hendery. We're just talking about Wooyoung, the dance teacher at our kids' school."

Hendery's eyes widened with recognition. "Oh, amazing guy, great dancer," he commented, as if he wanted to add more but decided against it. There was a hesitation, a holding back of words that didn't go unnoticed by San.

San nodded, unsure of how to continue the conversation given his history with Wooyoung. "Yeah, he's been really good for Mina. She's excited about the recital."

The conversation drifted to other topics after that, the ebb and flow of office chatter taking over. San felt a sense of belonging as he joined in the discussions, sharing laughs and getting to know the personalities around him. It was clear that the IT crew was a tight-knit group, and he was starting to feel like he could fit in.

San found himself seeking solace in the quiet corner of a nearby cafe, a welcome respite from the morning's flurry of introductions and orientation. The smell of freshly baked goods and the gentle hum of the espresso machine provided a comforting ambiance. He ordered a bagel and juice, intentionally giving himself a break from his usual coffee routine.

As he waited for his order, a burst of laughter drew his gaze across the room. There, in the midst of the jovial noise, were Wooyoung and Hendery, his new coworker. They appeared to be in high spirits, their laughter infectious to those around them. San felt a twinge of something—curiosity, discomfort, perhaps a blend of both—but he was determined not to intrude. He averted his eyes, focusing instead on the swirl of cream in a stranger's coffee.

Wooyoung, for all his charm and skill as a teacher, had always maintained a strict professional boundary with the parents of his students. Yet, there had been that one night when the lines had blurred—a night that Wooyoung would admit was a lapse in his usual discipline.

Accidentally meeting one of his former students' relatives at a bar, Wooyoung had let the allure of attraction get the better of him. It was a moment of weakness, he'd tell himself, rationalizing that at least it wasn't a current student's family member. That had made it slightly more justifiable in his mind.

The man had been captivating, a stark contrast to the formal and reserved figure Wooyoung had occasionally seen during pick-ups after class. Under the dim lights and the influence of the relaxed atmosphere, Wooyoung had seen a different side to him—a side that was undeniably attractive. It had been a fleeting encounter, one that Wooyoung hadn't expected to leave a lasting impression, yet here he was, still occasionally caught in the memory of it.

For now, Wooyoung was simply enjoying the company of a new friend, unaware of San's presence in the same cafe. And San, recognizing the potential for awkwardness, chose to respect the distance, allowing Wooyoung and Hendery their moment of levity without interference.

San's order was called, and he stood to collect his bagel and juice, taking them to a table by the window. He allowed himself to get lost in the view outside, and as he took a bite of his bagel. The fact that wooyoung was everywhere, there's nothing that he could do.

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