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comment i love feed back!! those who does thank you!
On his way back to the office, San's ears picked up fragments of hushed conversation that drifted from a small group of colleagues huddled together. Their words fluttered in the air, carrying the weight of office gossip.

"...Hendery was seeing that dance teacher," one voice whispered, barely audible.

"He has a no dating student rule though?" another questioned, a hint of curiosity lacing the words.

A third voice chimed in, quick to clarify the situation, "That student isn't in his class, nor is Hendery's kid."

"Lucky son of—Oh, new guy, San, right?" The conversation abruptly shifted as one of the whispering men noticed San's approach. The man's expression transformed from one of conspiratorial glee to professional concern. "Can you see what's wrong with the program? It messed up again."

San gave a small nod, his expression neutral, as he punched in the time slot on his access card. The office's trivial chatter about personal lives and rumors was not his to engage in. He had a role to play here, one that involved addressing IT issues, not entangling himself in who his ex-husband, Wooyoung, may or may not be involved with.

With a focus honed by years of navigating personal and professional challenges, San immersed himself in the task at hand. Code and systems demanded his attention, a welcome diversion from the whispers of gossip. The screen before him was filled with lines of text, a puzzle to be solved, and he tackled it with the same determination that he applied to all aspects of his life.

As San delved deeper into resolving the software issue, he barely registered the sound of someone pulling up a chair beside him. It was only when he felt the subtle shift in his workspace environment that he glanced over to find Hendery settling in next to him.

Hendery seemed unperturbed by the office chatter, his shirt collar askew in a nonchalant fashion that only seemed to fuel further speculation among the whispering coworkers. With headphones snugly placed over his ears, Hendery was in his own world, fingers dancing across the keyboard as he focused on his screen.

San couldn't help but observe the stark contrast between them. Where San preferred to blend in and maintain a semblance of order, Hendery embodied a carefree demeanor, content to be the subject of office gossip without so much as a sideways glance.

The thought crossed San's mind—perhaps it would be wise to invest in a pair of headphones himself.

After a day filled with new experiences and the typical challenges of starting a new job, San was grateful for the ride offered by Soobin. As they pulled up to the school, San felt the familiar anticipation of seeing his daughter, Mina.

"Thank you," San said to Soobin, a touch of genuine appreciation in his voice as they entered the school and parted ways, each heading to their respective child's classroom.

San approached the kindergarten class and knocked gently on the door. Inside, Wooyoung was reading to a group of captivated children, his voice calm and engaging. At the sound of the knock, Mina's face lit up with recognition, and she whispered a soft, "Hi dad," careful not to interrupt the story.

With her belongings gathered and a quiet wave to her friends, Mina followed San out of the classroom, leaving the storybook world behind them. They stepped outside to wait for an Uber, as San had decided not to inconvenience Soobin further.

As they waited, Mina chatted excitedly about her day, filling San in on everything from the pancakes she ate with her uncle Mingi to the activities at school. San made a mental note to express his gratitude to Mingi later on.

"Also in class, I drew a picture," Mina announced, rummaging through her bag to retrieve her artwork. She held up a drawing of stick figures with the simplicity and charm that only a child's art could possess. Mina pointed out each figure: her mother with orange hair, her Appa Jeno with black hair, and even a dog named Kitten.

Then she pointed to a figure with black hair, standing next to a smaller one with a tiara, and finally to another figure, causing her to giggle nervously. "That's you, daddy, that's me, and that—" she pointed to the last figure, "is Mr. Wooyoung."

San felt a mix of emotions as he looked at the drawing, the innocent inclusion of Wooyoung by his daughter bringing forth a complexity of feelings he wasn't fully prepared to confront at that moment. 

"That's a beautiful drawing, Mina," San praised, offering her a reassuring smile, choosing to focus on Mina's creativity and the joy she found in her daily experiences."You're very talented."

The Uber arrived, and they climbed in, San's thoughts momentarily adrift. As they drove off, he pondered as they head home.

As the aroma of dinner began to fill their home, San felt a sense of accomplishment in providing a homemade meal for his daughter. The convenience of takeout was often tempting, but Winter's foresight had ensured they had the ingredients for a healthier, more personal option.

Mina's presence in the kitchen was announced by the patter of her tiny steps. "Almost done, Dad?" she inquired, her voice tinged with the hopeful anticipation that only the promise of a good meal could bring.

"Yes, almost done, sweetie. Go wait for me in the living room," San replied, encouraging her to get comfortable while he finished up.

With dinner ready, San invited Mina back to the kitchen. They settled at the small table with its three seats.

As they ate, Mina's enjoyment was apparent; which made san smile. He wasn't the best cook.

"Can we bring Mr. Wooyoung over? He likes kimchi," Mina said, her request innocent yet loaded with implications.

San paused for a moment, the request catching him off guard. It was a natural desire for a child to want to share the joys of their life with those they cared about, and Mina's fondness for Wooyoung was evident.

"We'll see, Mina," San responded with a gentle smile, not wanting to dismiss her outright. "Mr. Wooyoung might be busy, but we can think about having friends over for dinner sometime. For now, let's enjoy our meal, just the two of us."

Mina seemed satisfied with his answer, her attention returning to the flavors on her plate. San watched her, not knowing what his daughter had planned tomorrow.

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