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Kitten's little escapade ends with Wooyoung retrieving his dog from Mingi's apartment, but the brief chase does little to distract Mingi from the more pressing issue at hand. With Kitten now safely in his arms, Wooyoung faces Mingi's questioning gaze.

"What," Wooyoung says defensively, feeling the weight of Mingi's disappointment.

"Don't 'what' me, what's going on between you two?" Mingi demands, gesturing for Wooyoung to take a seat. Mingi settles onto his couch, his eyes fixed on Wooyoung as he takes the offered chair.

"We got stuck on the elevator," Wooyoung starts, and then he hurriedly glosses over the details. "Then I asked about his day, and what he was thinking about, and we ended up kissing because I kissed him." His attempt to sugarcoat the interaction does little to assuage Mingi's concerns.

Mingi takes a moment to gather his thoughts, his expression serious, before continuing. "I'm going to be real because I love you, and I'm not soft like Hongjoong, but..." He pauses, ensuring his words carry the necessary weight. "We cannot have what happened 6 years ago, seriously."

Wooyoung, however, seems lost in the memory of the kiss, a hopeful smile playing on his lips. "I know, it was bad, but I feel like this time we have a chance to be happy together," he replies, still touching his lips as if to savor the moment.

Mingi is far from convinced. "You're delusional," he states flatly.

"I am not!" Wooyoung retorts, a little too loudly, causing Kitten to bark in surprise. He quickly pets her to soothe her.

"He has a child, Woo," Mingi points out with a gravity that underscores the complexity of the situation. "Who's your student, what if she saw that?"

Wooyoung sighs, acknowledging the gravity of the close call with Mina. "Thank goodness she didn't," he concedes, the reality of the situation beginning to sink in.

Recognizing that the conversation is going nowhere, and perhaps needing time to process everything himself, Mingi stands up. "You know what, I'm going to bed," he announces, indicating that the discussion is over for the night. "You know your way out."

With that, Mingi exits the conversation, leaving Wooyoung to 'show himself out' and walks to his apartment and was taken aback to find San waiting for him outside. The tension from earlier seems to have followed them, lingering in the air like a charged current. San's presence at Wooyoung's doorstep is unexpected, signaling an unspoken urgency.

"San, what are you doing here?" Wooyoung asks, a mix of surprise and curiosity in his voice.

"I want to finish what you started," San replies with a determination that is mirrored in his stance. There's a sense of resolve about him, as if he's made a decision that he's not about to back away from.

Wooyoung can feel the shift in the atmosphere as he unlocks his door, the moment teetering on the precipice of something deeper, something more. He manages a simple "yeah?" without breaking eye contact with San, inviting him into the space that's about to become their temporary sanctuary from the world outside.

Once inside, Kitten is free to explore the apartment as San closes the door behind them. In a swift motion, San pins Wooyoung against the door, his eyes darker, more intense than usual. "You've got an hour," he says, his voice low, imparting the weight of the limited time they have.

Wooyoung nods, a silent agreement to the terms being set. There's no need for words as he reaches up, grasping San's shirt, and pulls him into a kiss. The connection reignites instantly, with passion and pent-up emotions fueling their movements.

As San presses into Wooyoung, the air between them is thick with desire, Wooyoung's hands, bold and insistent, find their way to the hems of Sam's shirt, tugging at it, signaling a hunger for closeness.

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