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"Husband?" Hendery repeats, his shock evident, finding it hard to believe what San has just revealed.

With a nonchalant shrug, San responds tersely, a sharp edge to his voice, "It's over, so don't worry about it if you're interested in him." San can't pinpoint why he's divulging such personal information, but he hopes it will put an end to this unwelcome conversation.

Later, at work, San notices a stark change in the atmosphere. The whispers that once followed him around the office have ceased. It seems the news of his past with Wooyoung has spread, and with it comes a newfound respect for San's privacy; his colleagues now refrain from gossiping about Wooyoung in his presence.

While engrossed in a work project, San is interrupted by his coworker Eric, who hesitantly ventures, "May I ask a question?"

San, without looking up from the computer screen, hums a distracted, "What?"

With a bit of hesitation, Eric inquires, "Everyone's too scared to ask, but how long have you been divorced?"

San glances at Eric, the corner of his mouth lifting in a wry smile. "You're lucky I like you," he says with a roll of his eyes. "7, maybe 6 years? I don't know, it's been a while."

Eric nods, simply responding, "Oh," as he processes the information.

San quickly steers the conversation back to work, his tone flat. "Let's not dive into my love life anymore, please. Help me with this code," he instructs, tapping at his keyboard.

"Okay!" Eric replies, his mood lifting, grateful that San wasn't offended by his curiosity.

An hour later, thanks to Eric's sharp intellect and assistance, they finish the project. Eric, who's here on a temporary stint from California, looks at the clock and realizes it's gotten late. He turns to San and asks if he'd like to grab dinner together.

San considers the offer. Knowing that his friends Mingi and Yunho are looking after Mina, he feels at ease about going out. He agrees to dinner with Eric.

Eric, who has a car, suggests driving to a pizza place he claims is the best in America. As they arrive, Eric courteously holds the door open for San.

"Thanks," San acknowledges.

"No problem, find us a seat. I'll order for us—it's on me," Eric says before San can even offer to chip in. San finds a table, slightly uncomfortable with the idea of Eric paying, but recognizing that Eric's offer is a genuine gesture of kindness.

When Eric returns to the table bearing the food, San expresses his gratitude, "Thanks."

Eric, placing the food down, assures him, "No problem, San. We put in the work on that project. They're going to love it."

With a crisp high-five, San acknowledges their teamwork. "Good job, man."

They settle into their seats, and San takes a bite of the pizza, impressed by the flavors. "Wow, this really might be the best pizza in America."

Eric grins, pleased with the affirmation. "Told you. So, what kind of music are you into?"

San leans back, chewing thoughtfully. "A bit of everything, honestly. Lately, I've been into indie bands. How about you?"

"Classic rock and a little bit of hip hop," Eric responds. "It's all about the mood, right?"

"Exactly," San agrees. He takes a sip of his drink and then asks, "What do you do for fun around here? Any favorite spots?"

Eric's eyes light up. "I love hitting the beach, but I've been exploring local hiking trails. There's a great one with an amazing view I discovered last weekend."

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