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Mingi looked over at Wooyoung, who was cocooned in a blanket and lost in the world of a Korean drama. Instead of teasing him or offering an 'I told you so,' Mingi asked, "Do you want to go clubbing?"

"I'm too sad to go clubbing," Wooyoung replied, barely lifting his chin to speak. Mingi sighed and sat down next to his friend, resting his head on Wooyoung's shoulder as they both became engrossed in "Good Bad Mom." The drama was emotional, and it wasn't long before both of them were in tears over the main character's heart-wrenching breakup.

"Men are shit!" Wooyoung yelled, caught up in the moment. Mingi, usually the stoic one, unexpectedly burst into tears, surprising Wooyoung. It was only the second time he'd ever seen Mingi cry.

"Mingi, what happened?" Wooyoung whispered, extricating himself from the blanket to comfort his friend.

Mingi was inconsolable. "Imagine working so hard with someone to build them up and when they finally reach their goal, they just leave you," he cried.

Wooyoung's heart sank as he put the pieces together. "Yunho left you," he said softly, and Mingi nodded through his tears.

"He said we aren't compatible because we always fight and he wants to meet other people, then he just left," Mingi managed to say between sobs.

"What?" Wooyoung yelled in anger, standing up. "Please tell me you've talked to him."

Mingi shook his head, and Wooyoung, fueled by the mix of anger and empathy, grabbed his phone. "You gotta call him because he can't be serious. Don't do what I did and assume it's fully done," he urged Mingi.

"Our situation isn't like yours; Yunho broke up with me. He doesn't love me anymore," Mingi said with resignation.

"I refuse to believe that. Please, let's just call him," Wooyoung pressed, unwilling to let his friend suffer the same regrets he had. He remembered all too well the pain of thinking San didn't love him, and he couldn't stand by and watch the same thing happen to Mingi and Yunho.

"I don't want to," Mingi murmured, but Wooyoung was persistent.

"You have to, because I'm sure you don't want to think about the 'what ifs' later," Wooyoung said, already dialing Yunho's contact on his phone.

"Fuck you, Wooyoung," Mingi said, though there was no real venom in his voice. Deep down, he was grateful for Wooyoung's push, clinging to a sliver of hope that Yunho might come back.

Mingi listened to the phone ring until he heard a soft "hey?" He wiped the tears from his face before responding.

"Yunho..." his voice quivered. "Please come back."

Wooyoung watched from a distance, tears streaming down his face as he witnessed his friend's vulnerability. After giving Mingi the nudge he needed, Wooyoung stepped away, giving his friend some privacy to hopefully mend his relationship with Yunho.

Wooyoung's heart was a tumultuous sea of emotions as he splashed water on his face, attempting to quell the tears that wouldn't cease. The drama unfolding in Mingi's life had inadvertently forced him to confront his own feelings. He recognized the aching love he harbored for San, and with a newfound resolve, he decided he couldn't let misunderstandings or a lack of communication dictate his relationship's fate. Closure was what he sought, and it was what he intended to get.

"If you've just talked to me —How was im suppose to know? i'm not a fucking mind reader." Mingi snaps, Wooyoung overheard Mingi's raw, frustrated conversation with Yunho as he reenters the living room. "Yunho you should've know I would've helped, i still will." It was clear that the bridges between them were not yet burnt to ash; there was hope in the painful exchange. But Wooyoung couldn't linger; his own heart demanded attention.

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