The Hunted heart

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Dear Journal.

It's been a month since I started training with Zano and Camilo with our new Teacher Li Fang to protect the magical realm in San Angel until a new dragon is chosen. It's been hard trying to balance the hero work and school but thanks to our friends we've managed to pass all our classes. Granted Zano and I are still no closer to figuring out why the Sun and moon drop have picked us as vessels but at least we've been able to control them better since we found the incantations which are handy for instant healing during fights and summoning a weapon or a shield. However, Zano is hesitant to use that one even though it's not the death chant.

But then again Zano has done pretty well without them on missions and only uses them in case we're unarmed. As for me, I have been doing amazing, I can jump across buildings, fight monsters, and do other things that I never imagined I could do before. But with every good thing comes something to dull the mood, after we saved Tio Bruno from Tulbert we've been sweating over the spy and Kyle's ominous vision about Marisol's heritage and ours. Is she in danger? Are we going to drag her into danger? All questions Zano was focused on, but I had more troubling thoughts that maybe Marisol is related to the spy or she's being threatened by the spy. We asked Marisol if she had seen anyone sketchy around her mom and she only said a few people from work but they were all old. I wanted to confront her but Zano says that if she was hiding something he and Ernie would know. So I let it go and besides Marisol has been a great friend to me along with Nell I just hope Kyle's vision doesn't bite us in the butt this week. After all the talk about, school and the future with my family I am looking forward to getting a break, while Sensei works with, Mateo, Angie, Javier, Blanca, Ignacio, Cia, Zita, and Chico on keeping the peace back in San Angel. We invited Camilo but he's taking it easy with lessons from Mushu and warm-ups with Sensei since he did start later than us, plus the week we're gone he is going to be babysitting while our parents are on a Valentine's Day date.


Outside of the Arts High School in San Angel, all of the students were packed for their annual ski trip on Valentine's Weekend. Mirabel was pumped for the trip, especially since not only was it her first trip to a ski resort but she got to enjoy it with her three closest friends, and Marisol who were not busy for once was coming, and she couldn't wait. All the students were lined up for the school bus heading for the winter sports resort they go to every year.

Mirabel did a small mental check to see if she missed anything while Zano explained how his date with Marisol went.

"I'm telling you, it was the perfect first date... until she took off for no reason," Zano said with somewhat disappointment as he stuffed his hands into his coat pockets. Most of the kids were having a big snowball fight and most kids ducked to avoid getting hit.

"Man, what's up with the two of you always almost kissing? I'm growing impatient with this." Ernie said as he carried his skis. He was wearing a yellow sleeveless winter ski vest over his shirt.

"Yeah, how come whenever you two hook up, one of you always got to head off somewhere?" Nell asked Zano as he turned to her. She was wearing a dark purple sweater with a blue scarf around her neck, a red winter hat, light purple mittens, blue winter sweats, and white winter shoes.

"Well... I got magic business and Marisol always has music business." Zano pointed out reluctantly.

"Uh, Zano, not to bust your bubble, but if it was gonna happen between you and Marisol... You think it maybe would have happened already?" The group ducked from rapid snowball fire before they straightened up.

Ernie pointed out, "Nell has a point hombre, you two have known each other for years, and nada. But you and Mirabel have kissed after knowing each other for five months-"

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