Kiba's resolve

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After the raid of the gypsies and the supers and magical creatures they gave sanctuary to, everyone was locked up. The team of heroes was soon set out later in pairs. They were all locked up for the night. Chico shared a cell with Cleo and Blanca while Zita was alone with Acacia. Mateo and Angelina were together, across from Ignacio and Javier's cell. Each group tried to find a way out but the judge took their gear and made sure their powers were blocked. Javier was with Ignacio scared for their sister and friends' fates. Kiba was taken from them to who knows where.

In a cell Mateo and Angelina are losing hope as the cell is blocking their powers to help them escape. "All that training and I can't even pick a stupid lock! Err! Why didn't my dad let my mother teach me when she was alive?" he said frustrated, tears welling up in his eyes. Angelina sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Angelina: I used to believe, In the days I was naive
That I'd live to see A Day of Justice dawn

And though I will die
Long before that morning comes
I'll die while believing still,
It will come when I am gone~

When we are wiser
When the world's older
When we have learned~

I pray
Someday we may yet live
To live and let live

Mateo goes to hug her from behind.

Life will be fairer

Mateo: Life will be fairer

Angelina: Need will be rarer

Mateo: Need will be rarer

Angelina: Greed will not pay

Mateo: Greed will not pay~

Angelina: Godspeed

Mateo: Godspeed

Angelina: This bright millennium!

Mateo: This bright millennium

Angelina: On its way

Both: Let it come someday

Mateo: When the world's older
When things have changed

Both: Someday
These dreams will all be real
Till then, we'll
Wish upon the moon!

Change will come

Mateo: One day
Angelina: Someday

Both: Soon~

Meanwhile with Chico, Cleo, and Blanca.

"I hate cages," Cleo said.

"Me too, girl, me too..." Chico hugged his puppy.

"When are you going to use your strength?" Blanca whispered to Chico.

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