No more coffee

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I really shouldn't be drinking coffee because of the simple fact, especially Tim Hortons as it happens to keep me up all night. I have not caught a wing in a long time this evening or this morning when you wanna call it instead I was bored today so I decided I was going to do something about it not trying to sleep because it's kind of a few tiles asleep and you have Tim Hortons coffee they are very potent coffees. I thought they were going to be different because they were hot coffees but no way they had to be the same way as the other coffees and it was kind of ridiculous to be exact to be this is now 4:48 AM and it's kind of ridiculous to be up there early or whatever you wanna call it because I haven't slept in a while. I'd like to sleep but can't because of the fucking coffee I had! I will admit it is one of my addictions or my only addiction or vice that I have is coffee. Other than that I don't really deal with very much addictions. I don't have any addictions except for coffee. That being said it's got a go soon because I'm getting a little sick and tired or not sleeping at night or getting shit for being on Facebook and late at night, that being said, I am Done drinking coffee. I am starving and I want to be able to eat breakfast but cannot because there's nothing much to eat. They did not grocery shop the other day and it's kind of pissing me off.

That being said, Yesterday was a good day, except for the coffee, the incident with the coffee drinking it in question. That keeping me awake. I want a quick pic in Samantha Falls, where I got some earrings and a stuffy and one book. It was very interesting to find their books at the Amazon quick pic! Also, I am friends with the Smith Falls quick pick owner. That being said, it was very interesting to have someone who Has similar tastes as I mentioned I will tell you now that he has a hatchet man tattoo something that I've had been wanting, but may have to put it off. I am a juggalette! I listen to the insane clown policy. Sometimes I don't. They're a little on the ACA side which is not my cup of tea. The ACA is not my cup of tea as I'm trying not to be anti-I do not like to be all cops or whatever because I don't believe in a cab! As the police officers have done more good than harm, I find they having a few stinkers or I must admit, but there's always stinkers and every part of human race. That being said, there could be stinkers and musicians as well so you don't end up saying MA B, and bad mouthing you about your life. Why can't people do the same thing with cops. But anyways, the situation is a big issue with me because the coffee is a pain in my ass. It's something that I'd like to get rid of and entirely but I can't function without it in a way. It's not that I'm addicted to anything else. I'm just addicted to coffee well, unless you Count writing and reading as a addictions but those are healthy, addictions coffee on the other hand seem to fuck up everything!

Also, yesterday I got a Cryptid like a monster stuffy, and I also got my boyfriend his Christmas present beef right after the goddamn new year! That being said you were wondering why I have a boyfriend well, I have reconnected with him because I was feeling a lot better still am to this day, but need to get off the coffee! Other than that, I've been pretty happy to have a coffee situation gonna have to go away soon, but anyways, how did I meet this fellow was when I was at the Special Olympics and I fell in love with him he the same with me. Always wanted to give him a ring for Christmas, but couldn't do so, because Amazon was being an ass! That being said, I was going to go, but I ended up getting another ring for him instead at a place call the score where you end up it's like a thrift store and I found men's rings there that was pretty interesting. I've been trying to find a ring for my boyfriend for a long time as it has been an issue since Christmas day trying to find something for him to wear, Amazon is so damn expensive sometimes. But then in some cases, rare instances with books or With the hand, I ended up getting good deals. That's how I ended up getting my brain eaten by a hand pan was that my friend I'm not gonna mention his name for privacy reason it was agitated had to go for a drive I was bored so I looked on Amazon for whatever this case it was a hand pan drum. I stayed back with my other friends. So I ended up seeing one hand pan that was about $213 and it was well built according to the reviews so it was gonna be a good and lucky find. That's how I ended up finding the hand I have been a big fan of the tounge drum I've had for two years! And I know how to play that well but the hand pan is a lot bigger than a and more expensive than a tongue drum making it easy to get a dad. Thank God I had $300 at the time for a tattoo I was going to get, but I decided against it now I'm getting this tattoo that I'm hoping to get which is about a hand pan drum. That being said, very interesting is kind of realistic a realism. It's very interesting to see where your art can take you. I also designed my own covers for my albums as well so that's pretty interesting. I do a lot of artwork but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how I got and it's tongue drum was the idea that it sounded relaxing and it sounded beautiful so I ended up buying one two years ago at the same time of year New Year's Eve, or New Year's, and I bought it and I started playing it and I was a quick study always have been a quick study because of my ASD. I am on the Autism spectrum, but I do have PTSD that's what got me interested in the tongue drum as well as the hand pan the hand pan sounds deeper than a tongue drum!

I have been going on streaming to promote my music and hopefully I'm gonna start my second album which is self titled surreal in e! Which I will be doing today because I am tired of staying up late at night except to do my joint YouTube I do ducky and the alien and I also do ducky alien news net work with the same friend that I have had for over 10 years! I would tell you what her name was, but for privacy say I made sure of that that she does not have her identity told out! That being said we've been going through and twice a week or three times a week actually, if you include the ducky alien news network! The duck alien news is more of a far than anything else. It's not really about the news at all it's just to poke out the news where the alien talks about topics that people have to deal with on every day. That being said, I have created a discord server and a Facebook Group for that exact to YouTube channels if that's grammatically, correct.

Anyways, why am I drinking coffee when I should be asleep is beyond me the literally the coffee is literally socializing with my PTS emails. It keeps me up at night which is a pretty bad idea. In my opinion I don't drink alcohol for that exactly reason, but why the hell do I drink coffee and put myself through this hell is beyond me so I'm gonna try to cut Cut down on the goddamn caffeine and try not to deal with it anymore. The consequences of caffeine, which are sleepless nights and insomnia, which I tend to have sometimes doesn't help when you have PTSD, asd Which is autism spectrum disorder! That being said, the friend that I do, my YouTube on is also a Asperger's person that being said, that is all I can say for now!

Hand pan journey: night of the living hand panWhere stories live. Discover now