Online dating and why i hate it

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I can't remember the app that I was on, but I know that I was trying to find love in the wrong places when I found out when I saw a warmer who was supposed to be a TSA agent. She ended up later on talking more about bank accounts and loyalty and stuff and how things were supposed to be. That being said she was starting to be a pain in my ass literally being a pain in my ass as an annoyance that being said, I found that I tried to block her off of Google chat never go on Google chats, unless you wanna end up in the dark web without even knowing it but it was the app that I was on a dating app before I ended up on Google chat with this girl I can't remember her name which I did, but was it Sierra or something?! I ended up talking to her. I ended up falling in love with her. Then she started talking about the idea of a bank account, which was not a good idea or a real big red flag in my opinion! She got petulant and then soon enough, I had to block her off all my socials. Then she somehow found my phone number ironically, and was able to give me harassing messages where if she was going to torture me or other women for not loving her it was all messed up to be honest with you and I remember calling up my mother when I got the text and that the text was blowing up constantly the next thing you know I ended up having to Get rid of the phone and get a new phone. Thank God at the time it was Christmas and this particular phone has its expiry date and I got a new phone and never had a deal with this person again! There will show as a cautionary tale that shows that people on dating sides are not always what they seem google chat is a gateway to the black dark web! And even if you didn't, or if you didn't mean to do not give your phone number out to anyone, I have the other hand on this occasion never gave out my information, but somehow it leaked through. Hope you can understand the dating app seems unwrapping try to avoid it!

This is why I hate only dating and flirting! I have literally tried online dating that never came to avail. And it's for good reason as the above story has come out. That I have had a hard time with online dating and online flirting with either gender doesn't matter it was just a complete shit show! For one is your idea that these dating hours will lead you to be installing Google chats and app that I've had many times bad luck with, and I am pretty sure is a gateway to the dark web. I don't want to say that about Google, but in this case I am very certain it is the dark web that Google did not want to create the first voice it's a world of scammers and a world of hateful people and anything else it comes in between if I ever hear the words, google chat, it would be too soon! in fact, I would rather have a good case of Covid instead of dealing with Google chats or people who have Google chat, because they are either perverts sadist, or they have an agenda of some sort, either dark web! I don't think had any intention on this ever happening, but it did happen. I would rather just stay in the normal web instead of the dark web, so that's why I try to avoid online dating, trying to find friends when you have Asperger's and PTSD at the same time is a bitch! and I look for friends on this dating site called plenty of fish that has an Option for friendship fell for that a couple of times two as well as when I try to be friends someone this was last week. I ended up talking to this guy name Anthony he seem nice enough and then he said oh wait you're in a relationship you can't talk to me as if he was a salaphist! They're wondering what that is it like the hard-core version of a certain religion that being said, you can't be very much when you're salaphist! That being said, I was not very happy about trying to avoid other people that might be similar rhetoric on plenty of fish. Also, here's one that I can't stand is these people on Wattpad telling you how beautiful you are did you know that people tell you how beautiful you are and stuff like that I am not blocking that person those types of people right away because they're all interested in something that I am not interested in! That being said there's a reason why I hate online dating because I have a boyfriend. I would tell you his original name but I cannot because of privacy reasons but I do have a boyfriend and I despise these idiots trying to flirt with me and stuff and I was like you can go to hell because I have a boyfriend! As well, these people are a disease I did not have a boyfriend because I am the kind of person that wait until the right person comes. I don't let someone flirt with me willy-nilly unless they want to lose a finger! Or worse!
So my boyfriend is a simple guy that I have met. I'll mention later on how I met him and he's very nice and charming. Not a psychopath does not have any idea what Google chat is or anything for that matter he's just a simple nice guy that I've met by chance. He has similar problems as I do because I live in a group of he lives in another group home, and it was very interesting how I met him, and it was very interesting how that started because usually my relationship started online and the end in a pile of shit! This one is still going on because there's not that online element. Let's put it that way once the element of the Internet was involved with relationship I think that's when things started to go south also, I find that he's a lot easy-going even though he says he does not like tattoos he doesn't mind me getting them, though he does not like them on other people! Which is fair and good and I can predict what he wants so that's very easy to give him presents when the time comes, so I'm very happy about that! when I first met him, he was very nice. Still very nice to this day and I just love them the bats that being said, I'm happy for the first time in my life other than the hand pan. Well, you can't kiss a hand pan, but you can hit it where you can't hit a human but if you feel angry, you can play the hand, and then, when you're not angry, you can talk to the human I find is very interesting in this situation is I don't feel the need to be angry with him. It didn't start off that way because of my mental health, and had to take a break! That was when Charlena came in and then I started feeling better and by sencing this he called me and asked to be bf and gf again!that being said I am happy!

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