Soreading my creative wings

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I met this guy name Christopher he was one of the workers at my group home he taught me how to rap properly and I soon was going above his head with the wrapping I even have my own true tube channel which was very interesting. Where I would wrap about my thoughts and interests in my feelings and what's going on in the world and stuff some people would say that that would be depressing stuff but I was actually more to educate people about PTSD was like to have PTSD what's going on in the world my prophecies and stuff that's how I delivered everything with the rap and writing. My rapper name was Sufi Spraggah bint Mustafa, on Lafayette and there I was allowed to go after I used amuse the app to distribute my music and I was able to post myself every 21 days to tell my story to wrap. But with Christopher I was also starting to get a sense of my orgasm in touch with my thirst and hunger and greed for knowledge not greed and not in a bad way but just in a way of saying that I was hungrier than I siren head I'll tell you about siren head later. Which he has a hat hell of an appetite I'll tell you that much but not as much as my brain.
I started asking do you know anything Anything about online free courses for careers and I said I was very interested in learning about different stuff from psychology to psychiatry to mental health do anything that'll help me get out in the world and also what I deem interesting. And pretty soon I ended up learning about that these programs like the homelessness learning hub. The first thing I learned was a course called use reconnect and that I ended up learning more about well not tru about myself what about you with whole lessness and how I can turn into chronic homelessness and I can be caused by anything from substance abuse mental health or not getting along with my parents something that rang through to me because I had a mental health problem my mother had a substance-abuse problem particularly alcoholism at one point when I pissed off out of the house and I wasn't getting along with my father very well either so either way I could've been very I was lucky that I was in the house that I am now in the group home or else I probably will be in my ass on the street being exposed to a culture of things that are not very positive that say like substance abuse and other horrible stuff that I wouldn't want to put up with personally or experience personally let's say.
The course was supposed to take three hours it took me an hour to get the course done and two hours to get the damn quiz right. But I took a long time for the quiz and after the quiz was done I downloaded my first certification certificate and I was very happy and hyper and I still lamb to this day and now I am very excited with what that's going to bring next. And I'm going to learn more different courses on the site. And also I discovered that I also found another app not with the help with Christopher but with the help of myself and the App Store con learning where I learned about where I'm learning more in depth about astronomy in-depth meaning like with numbers and stuff like a year with the astronomical unit and stuff like that and there is Nanometers and stuff like that which are very interesting and then I'm learning about the different stars different kind of stars blue Giants white giants red Giants and stuff like that man sequenced stars orange stars brown stars you name it there is all over the place. And that's why I started off and then I ended up leaving to go grocery shopping one day came back Christopher was there and he said what's your email I said well something something at, and he gave me the course link to the homelessness learning hub and that's when I ended up deciding I'm going to not do art for a living right instead I was going to help people and garden people kind of like the big dipper that's what I was gonna do for the rest of my life and that's what I was going to do I said it was a commitment that made itself because it was bound to happen because it was the things I went on with my life and I'm gonna continue on tell you more things about my life this hasn't this life was a connect the dots it was not something that was random like most people lives a random my life was more or less connect the dots and everything happen for a reason even the bad stuff and I realize that I was meant to have in life experience to help people. And I was honoured for the first trying to have my little piss off called PTSD what is it in the social work world is a blessing not a piss off. I just started the first I just did the first youth connect course and I'm going to start doing more courses as the days go on not weeks and I'll still be working on my astronomy. I am very interested in the world around me and I'm very happy that I'm going to be able to partake in it not just be on disability and be feeling sorry for myself. That is for wimps to feel sorry for yourself and to be on disability unless you're actually disabled then you can be on this is ability but if you have a good IQ decent working body I don't see why you should be on that damn stuff except to get money and I don't believe in getting money for the sake of getting money so I want to support my society and want to work and partake and that's what it was and I remember one time on my mother signed me up for ODSP that I was not very happy I was pissed off and she said you're going on disability pension because of your whatever was going on in my head at the time and I was madder than a hornet I said I didn't want this I want to make a living and make a career out of my life and make a good choice instead but she had her way anyway and I was on disability and I'm trying to get off the damn thing now they ODSP. My mother derailed my future for a little bit I could've been something a lot more but now I can be something a lot more because I got out of a sticky situation. I remember one dream I had an issue come in the next chapter.
You remember that I pray five times a day. But I also A punk goth emo girl, so I always wear different hair colours usually every day with a different way because of my damn hair tie Mongoloid I cannot go around with hair dye and bleach all the time so I bought some wigs. And I ended up the song I like wings better than dying my fucking hair so that was beside the point. So I machine girl and a believer in lucid dreaming and one time this is what happened

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