Here comes the snow

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When I say here comes the snow on the basically. I'm talking about Game of Thrones's explanation of winter is coming. the feeling of bread of the snow coming is very real in this case especially when you have p. T. SD and also SAD or seasonal effect of disorder, which is a Royal B. Word on its own.   That being said, it is a sign that you have seasonal effective disorder. It's a sign of being an ampath. I remember that that my mother taught me to post on Facebook that she found and sent it to me. I remember that correctly that 1 of the things is that the weather does affect you negatively when you are an empath clairvoyant or a psychic. That being said, I happened to be all 3. This is why I fucking hate winter. Of course, there is the snow and the cold that drive me nuts and even trigger me as far as my p. T. SD is concerned, but as far as I'm concerned, the idea of the length of the bad weather, the dreary weather is aggravating. The only thing I can do is travel. The snow which is not too bad of a deal. Because I get money out of it. That being said, I would rather it be summer time and i'd be able to do more things outside like my Stone sharp rent or whatever else did. I do the interesting things that I usually do in the summer time. But now I .I'm relegated to reading stargazing and shoveling snow. That's basically the size as well as writing that is basically the size of things there. I am more lost stock in a world of o CD in this world. A white snow. though it does look pretty, it is aggravating to see. I do not mind seeing a winter wonderland I don't mind shoveling at just as long as it Doesn't hurt my back As do I have some injuries, I have sustained as a young kid. that being sad, I don't really care for heavy snow but let's see what happens anyways. There's sometimes a nice flow of fish snow that comes around. And then there's the awful packing snow that you just want to burn down. That being said, I find that this is usually the case is the packing snow. I remember it very well as it affected my ribs 1 year and really made me squeal like a pig. It was pretty bad to go around and that year. There was a lot of packing snow and it was not the light snow this year. It seems to be no snow or the light snow. But I'm not making any investments on this right now yet.  . that being said, the snow is beautiful but can be ugly to lift or try to shove into a certain direction. Sometimes but hell it makes the money so I may as well. Just be happy about that and I have a tank drum to think about soon.
A tank drum is similar to a tongue drum a medium. Sized tongue drum not like a hand Pan. What is where do you hit the The tongues and you make a weird sound. Actually it's a very interesting instrument. It's a deeper sound than the tongue drum. But it's just as beautiful but not as deep as the hand Pan.
Also, what comes with the snow is also this annoying virus that comes around every once in a while. Think everyone knows about it and it is what it is covid-19..... Something I would wish would Wish would just disappear off the face of the earth but seems like it keeps cropping up every winter.  It's a year round virus but it seems to Like to show up especially in the winter time that Love's stuff and life as well. It's kind of aggravating as a very annoying little brat of a virus... That being said, anyone who has had it knows how aggravating or deadly the particular pathogeneous. this one strain is particularly aggravating to me because of the idea that you have a scratchy throat and stuff it's not very fun. I despise this idea of having a scratch. Y throat and smell this vaginary cannot swallow for a certain amount of time is kind of aggravating this little soccer ball.
In fact I call this the Devil's soccer ball as this is literally. I think the spawn on the devil and my opinion. I'm not one to believe in the devil. 
Basically, when you lose the ability to taste or smell, that's why things can get really deceptive with food doesn't taste as good as it usually does or a taste like crap or something doesn't smell too right, if you do have some smile, it's kind of an aggravating little bug to have. With you.
Now, as I said, don't believe in the devil or demonic stuff, but I do believe that it is unfortunately, a part of nature and this is no different from the part of nature stuff where the evil. evil is nature that being said, I don't exactly like that aspect of nature the aggravating and other stuff about nature. That really is a pain in the butt.
It has been since October since I was able to have a sound sleep. And it's been a very aggravating time for me. Sometimes my mood goes up-and-down. Sometimes it does not go up-and-down it stays up. Sometimes it stays down. It depends on what's going on or how much sleep I get at night. Is kind of very aggravating to tell you. That the idea of not being able to sleep during winter. Why do you should be hibernating? Morales is an astronaut.  I am saying to deal with and I'm not joking about that. It's very aggravating and asinine to deal with.
When I realize that winter is coming, it's literally like the Game of Thrones winter is coming. It's like oh my God, winter is coming and I feel the dread completely because I know what the hell is gonna come with it. The snow the cold viruses that you name it. 1 year I ended up with RSV and nearly busting. All my ribs that was not exactly a good time. And that was when it was the year with the packing snow, which was not very good for it. Either it hurt for months on end. And now I am basically a candidate for a side tattoo which would be good. But I wish you would have been on better circumstances. How I did not tell anyone until July was beyond me!   There are been terms. I tried to say that something wasn't right with my ribs, but they said. Oh, I'm just getting stronger or something. But I leave it now but then I was like yauch!
For those who don't know what arrest is it similar to what is COVID? But it is exactly the same thing. Where you end up having coughing fits until you dislodge a rib or break a rib. and that's what happened to me last winter, which was not my cup of tea.    One thing to note that I will have a pain tolerance so high that something as bad as a broken rib will just annoy the hell out of me.

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