Killing germs (my job)

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Interesting title for cleaner or someone who cleans for a living. but that's what I basically do is that I clean and sanitize everything for 11 twice a week. I do this for a few hours and I'm get good pay out of it. that's how I was able to get the hand Pan that I am waiting for so desperately for anticipation. that being said, that also is how I was able to pay for my Pearson and tattoos and basically anything else it is?  Over $50 that might be worth my time. that being sad. Yes I killed the germs. It basically started off as a job. Then it became a job which is a hobby and a job which is what's your idea of the gear that The job is actually fun. It actually helps you teach about mindfulness as well as how to be at peace with yourself. as well as how to get stronger with muscle memory and other little exercises that you have to do in order to clean the house. Eat more laughs. I clean out another place. Should I work out at which is the same place. It's different, but it's hard to explain.  It's very interesting to be cleaning and taking pride in something that you do something when I was over. The age of 18 wouldn't have wanted to do in the first place or my mother. Would have literally have to pull teeth for me to do. something that would have aggravated her on the last but instead I willingly told this job and I enjoy it. and whenever someone comes down with a cold or whatever I end up with.  I'm going to go for a vengeance clean. Which is a super deep clean of that place. that being said, I have a few vengeance queens to do when I get ahold of the place again. Because I really need to clean. I enjoy cleaning. It's fun, it's mindfulness. It's enjoyable you can take your time with it. Or hay class time with it depending on if you want the money or not. I want the money so I take my sweet Sweet Time worth it that being said. It's very interesting that it's making me get a hand Pan. Something that I've been wanting for the past 2 years and I haven't been able to get it until now because of the job that I have. I love this job with all my material items material items.
You're wondering what started this job to become in the first place and this is basically why clean and hate germs for a living, because I tried to do a piercing myself done it plenty of times without any problem or anything. But then this one was the doozy. I was trying to do my own Medusa piercing. And.  The thing decided to get me Gough the next thing you know, I ended up in hospital with so many staff and affection. I think I may mentioned that. And I just couldn't stand a little critter since then.  That being said, it's very interesting that the person who took me to and from the hospital said it would be a lot easier to have it done professionally and I have my septembers professionally, and it's actually doing a lot better than if I get it myself. It's not as aggravating or stupid. that being said, I still take care of it once in a while now. But now it's just once in a while. Where is it if I was doing it myself?  I'd still be doing the aftercare!
So that was the main reason to get the job in the first place to get my tattoos done professionally. I had my first professional tattoo done in october or november 2021.  And I found out that the aftercare was not as dramatic. Whereas if I was doing it myself. It would be a more of a pain in the buttocks than anything else to try to deal with doing things yourself instead. I think the idea of do it yourself is and see what happens. Kind of thing, it's kind of stupid.
I never really liked the idea of DIY or anything for that 1 matter. Because, for example, this I will literally get hurt if I do something myself. Thinking that I know everything. And then the next thing you know, something stupid like the Medusa. Peterson happens that being said, i'd rather laugh someone else. Who knows what the hell they're doing to do? What they can do in the first place. And what they're paid 42 do so I don't have to worry about injuries.

That was the main reason why I cleaned for a living. Now I'm just clean for living. Because it's a lot more easier on my mind than it is anything else. It's already easy to be mindful and in the present moment. And not have to worry about jack Squad and end up being able to go and do what you want afterwards Feel a lot calmer and a lot easier and less on edge than you did before you ended up doing the cleaning, that's why I do the cleaning now. This year I've been deciding to buy things that will help with mindfulness like the hand fan. Another things that being said. I think this will be the year of the drum as well as the year of the laptop as well as I've been trying to get a laptop for the past few months as well. But it's kind of an astronomy it's An aggravating experience I mean where you end up deciding. This is not good to use an old old thing. You want something new, fresh, something that you can use and use for good. But then again they cost a lot of money too. So I end up getting a laptop as well as a tank drum after the. Hand Pan drama, hopefully I'll enjoy these things as much as my tattoos. The reason why I'm deciding to take a break from tattoos. So my body can heal and speed up so it can be a lot better. The next time I have a tattoo or piercing iconawan hog while last year.

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