Tounge drum groups on Facebook

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Facebook is like a free version of the deep or dark web for people who are obsessed with hand, pens or tongue, drums or tank drums. This is how I ended up learning about the hand pan and the tank drum as well as the stink, called the vast, which is another form of a hand pan. When I saw the vase that was the first thing I wanted to get and then I realized there were other ones hand pans at particularly the other the Romanian hijaz i've been wanting to get for the past three years. I am sorry for the missed calculation there but it has been three years because it was 2021. Said I was very interested in the East group. I took them even though I didn't have a hand pan or a vast or a tank drum, I just had my little tongue drum that was black and kind of boring but made a good sound on the last. I remember my mother being very interested in me playing the drum since I sent a few songs that I would create and then send them off to her somehow on Facebook messenger and I ended up getting high praise for it. This is coming from the girl, who sounded like for the longest goddamn time even with just instrumental, sounded like a cat being water boarded, and then of a thing happened or fluff of a thing where I ended up struggling to develop a good singing voice, and I was very good still am very good with the tongue drum. That being said, I wish she would be here to see me re-join these groups and see me get my hand it was very interesting to see where the Groups were taking me. It was like a predictable, dark web without the darkness, or malice of it. All said you ended up seeing more hand pans, tongue, drums, and other interesting drums that people would tap or whatever whatever it was very interesting you could literally go down this rabbit hole as long as you want and you wanna know about the hand pan, the tongue drum, how to play it or the tank drum same deal. I found that this was going to be my madness my obsession. I didn't know, but when I saw someone a woman using a vast hand pan and these sons of bitches cost about 15 to $2000 $2000 and I was like son of a batch I needed that looked it up on Amazon looked it up and they were like 1500 and2000 $ and I said this isn't gonna be an easy request for me but I was hell-bent on getting this particular not this brand, but of a good quality hand pan!
As you know, I have rejoined these groups and they've kind of faster in my head again that being said, I enjoy seeing that hand more than the tongue drum now I use my tongue drum to this day just on and off until I ended up becoming who I am now I ended up deciding that I was going to use the tongue drum and that's when I realize that this obsession is going to go to another level I just didn't realize it until a friend who will remain nameless, was feeling like a fidgety off the wall and had to go for a drive, which is understandable, but me with my board, and I try again to look at the hand to see if there's anything! That being said, not expect to find anything of a reasonable price and then then there was a son of a bitch $214. I am getting this fluffer, that being said, I am going on a quest to look at more while I was still looking at different hand pan. Some of them look very similar to the one that I have now which is the tundra, which is about the size of my iPad that I'm using. That being said I haven't really been, I only started using it for creative and meditative purposes again also, I added buying the hand pan that I got on. My friend was basically throwing this temper tantrum and I'm glad that he did throw the temper tantrum because if it weren't for him and then I wouldn't have been bored because of it I would've been able to find this son of a bitch of a deal. That being said, I mentioned this to one of my friends, who is more of a mother figure more on this some other day, but anyways, that was basically, and I wouldn't be able for the life of me that day shut the fluff off about the hand pan for God sakes I won't shut my goddamn mouth about this for the rest of the afternoon afternoon. It was very interesting and I was session was almost becoming born. As well as because of Charlena's selfies that are spooky, I ended up realizing that I can create the art similar to that and then that's when I realized that there was going to be an obsession was this hand pan at least for the next 24 hours and it was driving my friend completely bonkers. Until I finally found a way to shut my and finding a way to keep myself busy. This is when they started eating my brains, the hand pans!
So you can realize that that night I could not sleep ! And you can guess what was on my goddamn mind: hand. They were everywhere in my head you could be a psychiatrist behavioural list or someone who is exploring my brain and virtual reality. It would be in faster with drama or what they're called and it was very interesting that they were starting to infest my brain!

Hand pan journey: night of the living hand panWhere stories live. Discover now