How i came to be 1

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So how did I come to be was that I was born in a war zone called Romania and was mistreated as a baby that much I can say without trigger warnings or anything else that will upset anyone else I ended up having PTSD by the age of one, and don't give me this Horse bleep about people having to be at a certain age to have PTSD. Because that is a part of the junk science in my opinion I find that what happened to me as a baby during my two form of years natural form of years have shaped me to be who I am now, but also there has been some other things in between since being born and traumatized, and recovering and helping myself, become a better hand, pan, artist, or tongue, drum artist. That being said, I am very interested in Telling you this part of my story! So I told you how I was born in Warzone, called Romania at one point. This still haunts me to this day as one day, I had a nightmare of seeing my tormenters face for the first time which was not exactly a cakewalk in a nightmare I got positively identifying, but there would be controversy to that theory!

Other traumas I went through or I was going in Catholic school. You wouldn't think that would be a trauma, but as someone who is more of a person who goes by the beat of their own well drama in this case, it was very easy to be bullied and to be the victim of bully side, almost the victim of bully side, which is where you are almost killed by being bullied! I have some girls in school some of them I would not keep their names in public view, but they have been really brutal to me, accusing me of having disorders like anorexia and suicidal thoughts something I never really thought about having in the first place, never even entertained the idea! As far as the anorexia thing was concerned, I am part Asian, so I am more apt to be skinny and petite than the average well North American, and that made them really ramp up there abuse, some of them stole my food to make me look like I was starving myself and other stuff like that also, I was alway called the r slurr, and spazz out One for my Asperger, one for my PTSD, which was mounting the PTSD, was mounting at this point, and So was my anger management problems at the time one time when kid called me the R word, and I ended up punching him in the face. I'm not very proud of admitting that, but he had it coming because you don't call someone that word! And then I was further threatened with prison, all kinds of prison that were pretty much pretty bad places like renditions, and what have you which were adding to my human voice violations that I have sustained as a child since age newborn till age 14. By the time I was 15 I was starting up fights and high school, but was doing good in school grade wise, but was not doing well socially! By the time I got out of high school, I ended up having morbid PTSD from being born in a Warzone but complex and dissociative as well as I have anger management problem by the time I was 18 and that was not a cakewalk either still working on that. That's why I ended up getting my tongue drum for the first run because it sounds so soothing and relaxing as well as entertaining as well that I ended up deciding to go into groups for tongue, drum and hand pan and that's how I started going into the hand pan business when I finally got my first hand pan drum on 1 January 2024!

Needless to say, I've had a very tumultuous childhood and a tumultuous 20s and up to my mid 30s were pretty tumultuous. I ended up moving to a group home on my own accord because I was too big for the nest that I was in and I was getting angrier by day by day so I had to figure something out to fix that one day. So I ended up moving to a group home where I live this day. I have done a lot of things that I am proud of since I made the move to my new hometown and made myself a celebrity in some cases or and whatever else I do for hobbies but that's basically what I do. also I have met some celebrities some that have PTSD some that don't it doesn't matter it just the fact that the celebrities talk to you and they say well you see me as an inspiration that's great thank you kind of thing and that was enough vindication for me as far as what I had to go through the first celebrity, I saw I was thea von seijin, Who was my first celebrity I met who had PTSD she told me to do what I do best, and do what I wanna do and not have any limitations. That's when I ended up deciding I was going to pick up a musical instrument, particularly the steel tounge drum!

As far as the people that have done me wrong I am not angry or nor am I upset or am I going to forgive them, but I believe that justice will come in the form of karma if not legal problems for these people they will be caused by other issues that karma will dash out! Remember what you pro two other people is what you're going to get back to yourself as well!

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