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Okay so I was going to the Ottawa library on Rito Street excuse my spelling there I don't know how to spell in this case French words because it's very disturbing to me. Anyway we ended up going on a Rito Street in Ottawa and ended up going to the library but there was something driving the van and it wasn't my friend who was driving the van. It was my mother's ghost he was around somewhere pushing the van to where it had to go first the library and then ultimately to the police station to tell my end of the story about what bows or the clown as I call him dead to me except for the tattoo money part I didn't want to make anyone think that I was out for money when I'm not. I was just out to get him off the street. Or at least keep them in her house arrest so he wouldn't go near any girls. He was nothing more than what he was a waste a human DNA anyways. I end up meeting the detective and ended up finding out that I was going to be talking to her it was very interesting talking to a detective for the first time is as if I was on TV but wasn't on TV in a way I was able to say my piece and say my piece actually and say what it was about truthfully and fat truly as well. After that I ended up wanting to see more of the police station and that's when I decided I was going to try to get into that line of work trying to hopefully help people who don't usually have a voice or don't want to have a voice in those situations. It was very brave of me to have said what I have said even though my brother threatened me with death at one point it was very important that was to be said so everyone knew what an a-hole he was. Then the next thing you know I ended up saying you know what to my friend who was driving the car I think I know why I've been put on this planet and I'm not to be in Canada. It turned out I was going to be an FBI agent somehow it would seem a little redundant because I am juggalo female and I would end up being nothing more the Redundant or redacted to the Juggalos but that didn't matter. What mattered was me trying to help myself and help other people at the same time and using my Brute Force to help the people that need to be helped. I now know what I was put on this planet sorry for the spoiler alert for the next chapter but that was it everything has its rhyme and reason in its place even the bad stuff having its place in life might not seem like it but does and this is what it was to me was saying you were right when you were 14 years old you were supposed to go into this line of work in the first place. I have those root strength in The Brute intellect to be able to do what I want to do in life and the creativity to do what I want to do in life soon enough I will I was always Neo FBI but this is the first time that I would be full blown. Supporting them and stuff because I was actually not just sympathizing with the FBI but actually wanting to join them as well something I haven't done since I was like grade Aid student when I was watching The X-Files and other things. Soon enough I ended up going to a day program as I went to the dairy program I found out that one of the workers like the X-Files which involves the FBI and I said hey I like that show too grew up with that show didn't get too scared from it except for doctors. And I ended up telling her that well I want to be an FBI agent then soon spread across the agency that I was living under that I wanted to be in FBI agent come hell or high water. So there you go. As I want to go and I wanted to find out if the person I was talking to was going to give my brother an earful and I wanted to know when. I also found it when she did that my aunt also was a psychopath. I would say it takes one to no one but I know a thing or two of psychology and sociology and anthropology something I learned in school and I like the abnormal psychology something that is in an interest of mine since I was a kid as a human squirrel it's kind of like astronomy but it's inside your head a micro calls them inside your head instead of the big Cosmos outside of your head that you see at night time before you go to bed.

You can say my dream was rekindled when I was in the movie theater parking lot to getting ready to watch Batman or you can say it was when I was leaving the police station in Ottawa to talk about my problems in the first place and found out this is what I was I think it was a latter one that helped. As this was what gave me an impression on law enforcement a lot of money people of my subculture or acab...or anti FBI..... which to me is a shame I'm going to be the first goth that's going to be on the planet to be an FBI agent classy goth not full on Gotham Sammy goth if you probably notice and that's the same thing with me if I'm going to be a popstar one day is that I'm a very unique individual unique looking. And when my hair gets down to my buttocks I'll be able to rock the look even more. Am I going to wear black lipstick and stuff I wear dark lipstick but I'm not going to look like a vampire anymore as this was not what I intended my life to be in the first place. My dream was rekindled when I decided I was going to help people the way that Leanne person always helping me. She was actually very nice and kind compassionate human being who is going to deal with my problems without me having to get in there s h i t. This was important for me to help people not take the law into their own hands or that they were going to help themselves in illegal way I wanted to help them with trying to fight off what was pissing them off in the first place without getting in trouble. In other words I wanted to help them solve their problems in a legal Way by arresting the idiots who caused their problems. It's been a dream of mine since I want the X-Files it was a dream of mine since I watched the FBI files and now it's I dream of mine again is it will always be and it's been rekindled. I don't know why but it was and I said it's going to happen one day whether anyone likes it or not so I ended up writing about the FBI even though some people started trying to scam off me thinking that I was doofus. But I wasn't a doofus I found one scammer and after another and I can smell him a mile away. Something that's very important in that line of work.
There was one scammer who is delusional I think he was dissociative and also Psychopathic too dangerous things in the first place. He thought he was the authority but he was just really a scammer. I had to put him in his place plenty of times and he threatened me with a lot of things and I told him to go bite the wind kind of thing. But that didn't stop me once that fire was lit it was going to be lit for good. I did not stop writing and I did not stop bizarreling to be an FBI agent whether it was going to be a dream or was it going to be reality I didn't care it was going to be one way or the other. Like I'm really sick and tired of these scammers that go around trying to get you you can tell they are because they use Google chats and you can't find them on Facebook and other social media something that's a real winged. I had the humor this particular train wreck named Derek for quite some time until he finally got through to me getting through to my sleep and I said that is it you are effing done. Once I say that word you're done. Look at my essays user goddamn mouth for example on the nuclear option when you say the f word it's when you're finished. And I was finished with this Derek guy riding my hair and I said that's it he's out. But he continue to harass me even though he wanted to he was trying to say you wanted to be my friend and stuff but I knew better that he was just trying to be a pain in my ass. But did that stop me from rekindling my dream now in fact it's going to make me make him feel a lot worse one day if I ever get my hands on him not strangle was just by flipping him and arresting him one day he's not going to be too happy about that. To impersonate someone of authority I think is a federal offense as well I know that for a fact the light of someone while you are supposed to be a authority figure is also a federal offense it shows a corruption here in this guy was as corrupt as they came he was one scammer after another he was like a train wreck I decided I was done with him not I was just done with him because I needed my sleep and I needed to be able to write and stuff at the time I have hypographia I think because of PTSD. I'm not saying that about my to my doctor but I am going to say that to anyone else who will listen I might have hypography where I just right right right until the next thing you know I finish a whole book in a day kind of thing is the sign of intelligence but it's also a sign of trauma as well. But it's a good way of showing your trauma instead of other ways like alcohol drugs and cigarettes that can be detrimental to your health and even as much as to kill you one day slowly but surely. The same way that I came into the world. I don't think I would wish that on anyone.

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