Memories 2

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I remember when I was a kid I think I was in grade one at the time I got for Christmas A mobile of the solar system which was my favorite thing in the whole entire world. It glue in the dark and everything was wonderful to have. When I first saw it I understood what all the planets were because of Star Trek next Generation with Captain Picard and I was able to understand all the planets and I was able to say this is Jupiter Saturn you know the plan is probably. And I was very happy about having this particular gift as I was always enjoyed the night sky even when I was a little kid because of Star Trek next Generation. Something that I still watch on Netflix with one of the workers at my group home. It's very fun to actually say that you learn the planets around your 4 years old as well as other things. That'll be my next story. All I know is I was happier than a pig in mud and I was happy to be the happiest girl on the planet I was one for science even though I was young. Something that I never quit because I was knowledge hog I always am a knowledge hard. So I was very happy to see that I was getting the solar system mobile I knew it was a big deal for me at the time. I even have a tattoo of Jupiter because I call my mother the Jupiter Pearl. Because of that particular mobile. I was a little old for the mobile but I kept it until I was about oh I should say about 13 it was something that was very precious to me. And still is to my day and my heart. I don't usually say that about him material things but I'm very excited to say this is one of my memories that I've had. As I remember a lot of things but this is Christmasy stuff I'm talking about so this is what I'm talking about right now I wanted to go to sleep that night that day just to look at the solar system and it was very interesting.
When I ended up outgoing the solar system mobile I was saddened to Let It Go but it was falling apart at the time. Something that I didn't like it was falling apart like well a certain day in September and I wasn't too happy about that so I had to throw down the garbage and actually go on with my life but I still remember it as a Christmas memory. Something that I will always cherish for the rest of my life. There been other astronomy related Christmas Memories that I'll remember for the rest of my life that are coming up pretty soon!

I remember this I always knew the big difference since I was 4 years old the same as the planets. I always admire the Big Dipper it was a beautiful thing to see and it was very easy to find when I was a kid with the help of my father I still find it from time to time it's still something that is with me and always with me even though people can come and go is still there. Anyways when I was in third grade I ended up going stargazing with my father in the actual field outside of our street the same field where I cursed like a sailor 3 years earlier because of the kindergarten teacher. This time I ended up seeing the actual Big Dipper and all it's entirety. And then I learned some more constellations and tricks up my sleeve from my father this was when I was in Christmas. I remember that I was snowy and beautiful out and everything was just surreal. It was surreal enough that I broke out in song and I was singing Silent Night even though I couldn't sing worth a pinch because of throat and respiratory infections as a kid but I still sang it anyways because I have a spirit. Then the next thing on Christmas Eve he ended up drawing the big and Little Dipper on my arm something that I might consider having tattooed as a memory and with Santa's sleigh in the middle of the big and little dipper. Something that was very important and I was very excited nothing exciting enough like Christmas and science put together I don't know why I said that. But anyways I like astronomy. And I'd always look at the Big Dipper at Christmas time when I was a kid looking for Santa Claus even as an adult I still do the same thing. Once those lights start coming up out of people's houses I look at the big Dapper and start looking for the big fat guy in the sky Santa Claus not God. I am still a believer of Santa Claus even though I am 33 years old now going on 34 if you whenever you read this or whatever age I am now whenever you read this. But it was a memory that I had. Was stargazing and then having the big and little dipper drawn on my arm as I was about ready to go to sleep to wait for the Old Saint Nick to come. It was very nice and the legend or map star map for Santa was tattooed on my arm but I was too young at the time. Something I wish dearly for and I can still remember the design as if it were yesterday. And so the next day Christmas Day Santa Claus was able to find the big and Little Dipper and I was able to go through my presents. I can't remember what I got that year but it was very interesting to know that the big difference can help anyone find something or find anywhere even Santa Claus.

You're wondering why I am saying this Mary mathMass. When I can't even stand the subject or even try to do it out of a wet paper bag. But that's what is the next memory.   Now you know I'm not good with math but my father didn't have to yell at me one I was early December about this time of year 3rd of December 6th of December he decided that I was trying my damnedest to do the math so he said why don't you get your coat on and we can look at the Christmas lights in the neighborhood that's on very fun for me so I threw on my coat and snow pants I was just in grade four at the time and I ended up deciding that I liked looking at the other Christmas light shows in the town which were other people's Christmas lights. Some were spectacular some were not as spectacular but it was still a treat on the less. I wish that the time I was able to have an iPhone or a camera phone like a smartphone or something at the time when I was younger so I could Chronicle these wonderful spectacular light shows that people had in their front and backyard sometimes they're backyards believe it or not. So I ended up clicking them in my memory. And it was something that I remember that I was not good at math but I tried my damnedest anyway and still got a reward out of it going to see the Christmas lights it started as a ritual then and every December to January we would be looking at the Christmas lights going around the town looking at the Christmas lights by foot of course. Because you had to be walking to enjoy the actual show of the lights of people's houses being lit up like Christmas trees. I even remember one house in particular that was always lit up like a Christmas tree and it was my favorite house I can't remember what it looks like now but I knew it was always lit up like a Christmas tree with different colors and sound effects and stuff it was wonderful. It was almost to the extent of Magic Lights in Ottawa in 2022. This was a bonding experience that I had with my father that was non-science-wise. He was actually very interesting and he actually enjoyed art particularly peoples Christmas decorations he'd say well that's income tacky and I'd say well that's not tacky that's beautiful and we'd have a debate about it. It was a healthy debate between young child and old man. Something that I'm missed to this day. My father is not doing as well because he is going through dementia but that's beside the point Sorry to go on the negative. But I still remember and will remember even if I end up with the same affliction the walking around the town looking at the Christmas lights with my father sometimes my mother came along too as well that's when the real fun started.

From what I remember every time I drove down my street with my parents and I saw them Red Star of Bethlehem on the Elmont General Hospital I found that it was very alluring looking and I wanted to see that. It was like a shape of a diamond and it was very surreal looking even though it was red and I was supposed to be the Star of Bethlehem. So I ended up one time asking my father I think I was in the fifth grade at the time asking him to take me to the hospital so I can see the star even though I was not sick as a dog I went walked up to the store and ended up looking at it and he said it's getting very beyond our bedtime and we should go soon and I was just gawking at this Christmas decoration that was always up on top of the hospital all the time I'm not wanting to talk about hospitals as they're a pain in my ass. But in this case this was a memory because there was a Christmas decoration there. Something that I wanted to see right away. Something I wish I can still see to this day but cannot because of circumstances out of my control. If I could I'd rewind that memory after a stargazing and seeing the Red Star of Bethlehem over the Elmont General Hospital.

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