How i became KDP author

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How did I become a KDP author. Well, that's a good question and a half, are there had been a lot of things that had helped me become a particularly good author. One of them was the pure boredom of the 2019 pandemic 2020 pandemic where I had nothing to do except to draw or to write I was more better at writing at this point than drawing but now I'm equally as good. That's when I discovered the app called Wattpad that being said, that was the ending of it all practically was writing my first story which was called my autopsy that has nothing to do with anything suicide! It was a horror story that I have written to keep myself From Dying from boredom of the pandemic. Also, would help me go through the motions of said pandemic. There was very interesting to start coming up with ideas in my head for stories and stuff. Some of them coming through them not so much that being said it was very interesting to be writing, and instead of feeling sorry for myself.
After that one particular story, I wanted to go on the Watty's But at the time didn't know how to write 50,000 words at the time now I can pull that out of my eyebrow as if it's an eyebrow hair. That being a sad I have had a few run with a few writers that have helped me the idea and you need to help each other learn to write. I find that being said, I found myself at a webinar, one time with an actual writer who is hosting it during the pandemic! That being said, I found out how to end up using the Amazon Kindle direct publishing and it turned out to be a lot easier than having to go to the bathroom. I found it a lot easier and a lot more user-friendly than most other self publishing, apps or sites. This one at least doesn't make you pull your hair out if you want. Not that I have any hair to pull out!
So I was talking to the writer through zoom about the idea of Kendall direct publishing that I was using. It can use Kindle direct publishing without anyone being university, educated or anything let's just say I won't be going to university anytime soon because of my ADHD! I'd be reading for my phone and entertainment instead of doing this for school. We're trying to write for school instead I'd rather write for fond that being said will not be going to university, so I use Kindle direct publishing because it's a lot easier and you don't have to have a degree in writing in order to use it find that a lot of prominent writers have a lot of degree which is a pile of crap. In my opinion. I don't think that is true. I think he just need a good imagination and a healthy one at that, and the way you go!
I think it has nothing to do with what's on your wall it is more, so what is in your heart mind it is your idea so come up with it yourself. The university is when I come up with something for you to write. They do it is something compulsory, but if it's something you're interested or passionate about write about it, or YouTube about it without any problems if you have to do it for school, there is a drudgery that I find that I couldn't even handle myself!
That was the one thing I hated about school was the compulsory ideas the compulsory reading the compulsory writing, and at one point I was actually considered legally illiterate at one time because I refuse to do the compulsory stuff. The school had to offer had in capital letters! When I was in school, I would have rather have this decided to do our watch TV read another book that was not dealing with the idea of it being compulsory or doing artwork or doing something else, but certainly to God, not what school has in mind the curriculum. That's why I can't I wouldn't put my kids through it, but it is part of the thing where you do have to put your kids through it. That being said, I have decided that I wouldn't put my kids through a Catholic school. That's one reason why I became a writer and the first place is because all the different PTSD that I have that it isn't even funny I may as well open up a PTSD store. Sorry for being sensitive, but it is true. I have so many varieties of this post traumatic stress disorder. It's not even funny! And the only thing that seems to help with traumatic stress disorder, I find is a good write! that being said, I'd rather be writing instead of taking my pills, but sometimes it's important to take your pills and not have to bitch about taking them but instead just take them. They do have some abilities or making me feel better. The rest is up to writing or whatever you do for a talent. I happen to be good at art, as well as tongue, drum music, and other stuff. That being said, I would rather be doing that instead of dealing with side effects of medication which can cause problems I've heard of many horror stories where people have had taken certain heavy and depressants, and ended up on Parkinson's medication because I ended up with Parkinson's and other horrible things. That being said, I've also been a crystal freak as well if you ever hear about my crystals, you know that they're very very important to me not because of monetary value, but because of what they can do for your soul and body. As well as a good lemon is good for you! I think will help you keep the doctor away I don't really care about the apple, and the same thing with the honking rose quartz will keep the doctor away as well I find. But also a pen and imagination will actually keep the doctor away as well too I find this is why I have to write to help the demons and goblins in my mind, that's why I write that's why I do anything creative is to keep the goblins in my head at bay to help myself do anything that is compulsory so I do something that isn't compulsory in order to enjoy life and to do what I have to do with that is basically it!

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