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September 1993

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September 1993

Valentina had waved Ivan off for yet another year at Durmstrang. It was the third time she had to let him go and it never got easier. He had grown so much over the summer and Valentina could hardly believe that he had ever been small. Ivan had grown handsome and was strong and growing taller by the day, though Valentina was unsure as to what he got up to at school and what sort of friends he had made. Ivan had never said anything out of line, nor anything that would lead Valentina to believe that he had adopted some certain views, but she couldn't help but suspect so. Ivan was always careful to mind his language infront of his mother.

Over the years Valentina had spent many weekends at her childhood home, Karkaroff manner. Igor took up residence within it out of term time, but while at Durmstrang for the majority of the year, it was empty. Valentina found solace there and would drink in the fresh air that would roll off the mountains that touched the clouds. She hadn't realised truly how much she had missed it. To be back in her childhood bedroom, to stand in the garden and look out to the stretching lakes and rolling hills and mountains.

Her parents belongings, who had now passed, were still scattered around the house and Valentina had decided to donate them or try and sell some more expensive objects neither her or Igor cared for. 

That was what had lead Valentina to be strolling down Diagon alley with Cordelia, a bag of objects to take to Borgin and Burkes in which she had taken from the Karkaroff manner.

The two women walked arm in arm down the busy streets, both of them dressed to perfection, hair in an elegant undo. Both Valentina and Cordelia may have aged but their built in obsession of image had not faltered over the years.

"Valentina? Cordelia? Oh gosh, how long has it been!"

Both women turned around to face a stout slightly chubby woman with a blonde bob and large nose.

"Violetta" Valentina smiled, "how lovely to see you, it has been an awfully long time"

Cordelia turned her nose up a little bit at the woman. Although they had been somewhat friends during school, it was more due to circumstance rather than liking. Cordelia had spent an awfully long time trying to get her out of her life.

"Violetta dear, so good to see you" Cordelia smiled

"And you both" Violetta smiled back, "Merlin, neither of you have changed at all. You look exactly the same as you did during school!"

Valentina and Cordelia wished they could say the same. Valentina almost didn't recognised the woman.

"I am terribly sorry to hear of your husbands death" Valentina said solemnly, though she wasn't really that sorry, he was a horrible individual

"Indeed" Violetta said looking to her feet, "Well, it wasn't particularly shock after all, he was never as intelligent as Casper and Evan during school" she turned to Cordelia, "I was awfully sorry to hear of Evans death, truly"

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