CHAPTER 11 : One More Try

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Jeon Raya

"Are you sure you want to do this ?" Jungkook asked me again.

I pick the phone from the dressing table and putting near my ear . " I have to , thats the only option left for me because I know dad is not going to listen me "

I have to go for another option Eira suggest me , talking with the demon himself. So I decided to go to his office to meet him and on the top without even the knowledge of my parents. But its not new for me as I did many things without informing them.

Looking my reflection for last time , I grab my matching purse with mine dress. I was Wearing v-neck plain cream colour fabric ,long enough upto my knees with long sleeves giving all elegant vibes.

"Fine if You want that " he remarked in low voice

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"Fine if You want that " he remarked in low voice .

"Raya " he suddenly call my name making me frown in confusion

"Hm" I hummed in response getting all uneasy by sudden change in his voice.

"I'm sorry for not able to do anything for you. " he spoke with guilt in his voice. I know he is going to blame himself that he can't stand for me against our parents. But I can understand him because I know how it feel to stand against the wish of our parents , its hard.

"Eww...don't think I'm weak mister. I don't even need your help " I said making the atmosphere a little light.

"Their is no point to discuss sentiments with you " he stated with little growl as I chuckle on his words.

"You know me then why try to being all sentimental "

I just shrugged my shoulder. Its not like I don't understand others emotions or I don't feel anything but I'm not good with this type of talk so I always try to light the atmosphere with jokes and weird talk.

"Now before I get late I should better get going " saying that I disconnect the call.

Walking downstairs, I went upto to the main door untill mom voice came making me stop on my traces.

"Where are you going ?"

Fuck !

I utter curse under my breath before turning my face to her with stoic look on my face.

"Jungkook called me at office for some help in the project " I lied knowing that if its cames to working for the company then my parents wouldn't stop me untill it cames to the sports .

My bad luck that boxing is my only dream I have seen for my whole life.

"Fine came back soon don't be late and take the driver and bodyguards with you"

Bodyguards fuck no !

"Mother I already called Eira I'm going with her " I try to excuse her suggestion. Their is no way I can neet Hong joshua if I go with bodyguards and driver , because they are just fucking spill everything infront of my parents whatever I do the whole day.

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