CHAPTER 36 : Insecure

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Jeon Raya

My grip tighten on my phone as I stare at the unknown number. No matter how many time I saw it , nothing change the message ....those pictures. The picture of Joshua with other girl outside the hotel and why that girl seem little familiar .

Your husband is cheating on you. If you don't beleive those pictures then go to his office . you can find it yourself.

"Who exactly send me this type of picture "

I stare at the message which I send back to the person .but no reply came I even try to call the number indicating it as switch off.

"I'm sure this pictures are from last night but it could be something else right like any kind of business metting .he himself said that some important work came over that why he get late ?"

No matter how I try to convince myself. The fear is still their. I have my own insecurities. I don't even know about his feelings towards me nor he did said anything when I confess my feelings to him this morning.

How about you asked him straight instead of having doubt.

"Right ,I should do that " I quickly call him but he didn't answer the call and it really eating me from inside.

"Stop thinking anything weird Raya ....he must be busy in his metting. " I took deep breath to calm myself make sure nothing stupid thoughts came inside my head " lets go to his office instead "

Not wasting another second I grab my car keys and walk out of the mension.


My body froze on the place when I saw scene infront of my eyes. That time I really regret coming here in his office. I fell like someone stab me on my heart when I saw my own husband holding someone else in his arm.

It mean Those pictures are true.

As soon as Joshua look at my side he quickly pushed that girl away making her fall on the ground.

Thats When I notice the face of the girl....she is Kim bora . his past which I not aware of it and even she is the same girl from the pictures.

It mean he was with her last night.

The heavy felling started covering my heart. I can feel like someone stab my heart with sharp knife. I feel like crying at this moment but I control myself not to burst my emotions here. This is not me .

I walk towards them as I stared between them. Kim bora Finally stand up on her place. I would lie if I say I don't want to run away from here from this situation but I wouldn't.

I once look at joshua as he was staring at me with worried expression on his face. I turn my attention to the other person in the room.

"Care to introduce yourself " I asked her with the most fake smile on my face as I extend my hand for the handshake. She stare down to my hand with complete shocked expression.

Try me bitch I'm out of your league .

"Seems like you are in too much shocked that you can't even introduce yourself " I chuckle before bring my hand back to me "fine then let me introduce myself "

I walk besides joshua and locked my arm around his hand "I'm Mrs hong Raya ...joshua's wife "

I gave her most sweet smile as I looked upto joshua who was also staring at me with same surprised look.

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