CHAPTER 23 : D-Day

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Jeon Raya

"You look amazing Al " Eira exclaimed in excitement while looking at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing my white wedding gown , with diamond matching jewelery.  My hair were tied up in high bun. I was not wearing the veil for the pictures.

Even my makeup was perfect ,not heavy not light but perfect . this time I will accept that  mom's makeup artist really did good in this . they gave my eyes little smoky makeup touch. With light red lipstick. 

"When the photo event going to start ?" I asked her while walking near the bed as I took out the black dough bag .

"Just in thirty minutes " I nodded my head before checking my cloths which I brought to escape from this big ass choi Empire hotel. I brought the black jean with black leather jacket , not forgetting my sports bra. Even the black mask for the safety.

"Jungkook already check the security . he will make sure that their will be no security gaurd at the back door so you can easily escape from their " she reminds me plan  again.

"Great all we have to do is , wait for the right time  " I stated while closing the bag

Suddenly the door of the room open making me flinch. The bag slip down from my hand. My mom enter the room "Raya , look who came to meet you ?" She said with small smile.

She turn around and move a little away from the door , leaving some space to enter the door. Taking my chance I push the bag under the bag with my foot.

"Hello dear " chwe Suha , Joshua's mothers came inside the room . she was not alone she came with an old lady. Her hand were firmly supporting the old lady. She look aged than aunty suha , maybe in her sixties . her hair were grey , and due to her age the wrinkles on her face can be seen clearly.

"Come mom " she mumble to the old lady. They both Walk towards me . I smile softly .

"Dear meet my mother-in-law,  Boo Iana and mom she is Jeon Raya " she introduce us .

"Its nice to meet you ma'am " she slowly left the hand of aunty suha and cupped my left cheeks ,  caressing them . her hand was rough but the touch was warm. She remind me of my late grandmother.  She was the only person who loved me when I misses my parents warmth . she always made my favourite food and take me out of the mension secretly so I can play with my aged ones .

I really miss her.

"Call me Grandma dear. Every child  of my call me that. " her cheeks get sunken when she smile , showing her dimples on both side of her cheeks.

"I'm happy that my grandson will be having such a beautiful wife "

I stayed quite , smiling softly .I don't know how to reply ? I looked at everyone's face. They all looked so happy and the smile on the face of Choi empire women's were genuine . thats new for me , I turn to other side. My eyes fell on my mother face , her face also having smile but its not going upto her eyes. Their was no shine in her eyes not  like joshua 's family.

Why my family is like this ? Was it hard for them to genuinely smile .

I realise that I'm not diffrent from them. Just like my own parents I also started showing what I'm not the Same fake smile without any emotions. I thought that its rule of every single rich empire but seeing Choi's  , I feel like its not true .

Soon I meet the other members of the family , my cousins and relatives. I even met with yeeva and Ariana's family. After one hour of photoshoot , I was told to go back inside The room and wait for two hours before the Wedding ceremony will start.

CHOI EMPIRE Book 3 : Hong jisoo Where stories live. Discover now