Saving Rocket

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Mikey: Dad, I'm so sorry.

I looked at my son with tear stains in his eyes.

Blake: Sorry? What are you sorry for?

Mikey: I should've stayed put like you told me to. I just wanted to help. But Rocket got shot. Peter and Gamora don't know where we are. I screwed up everything.

I looked at him. I did this. I need to fix it.

Blake: No. You didn't screw up anything, Mikey. If it wasn't for you, that Adam guy would've killed us. And Peter, he'll come back. I know he will. And I'm sorry I never told you this, but you are very special to me, your mom, and all of us. And I love you, son.

Mikey hugged me again.

Mikey: I love you, too, Daddy.

Drax: Blake! There you are. Where are Peter and Groot?

I rolled my eyes.

Blake: (sarcastically) Perfect timing, Drax. Wait, a minute. How'd you guys get up here?

Mikey: We went to save you.

Blake: Where's your mother?

Mikey: Back on the ship with Gamora.

Blake: Oh geez. Drax.

Mantis: Blake, where are Peter and Groot?

Blake: First, let's find a way out.

Mikey: What about these kids?

I looked at the silver haired children around.

Blake: Yeah, you're right.

"Joob joob..."

Mantis: That language isn't in my translator.

Meanwhile, Peter, Gamora, Groot and Zoe were operating on Rocket to save him. Rocket still breathed heavily.

Zoe: We have to hurry. We're running out of time.

They hooked the device up to a needle embedded in Rocket's chest to get the rest of the passkey.

Peter: Okay. Here we go.

They waited.

Peter: Okay. All right, Rocket. Go.

The passkey began downloading.

Zoe: Please work.

Peter: Okay. Okay. Okay, here we go.

The device began stalling.

Zoe: What's going on?

Gamora: This isn't right.

Peter: No, no, no, it's good. It's gonna work. It's working.

Zoe: No, Pete. She's right. The thing seems to be stalling.

Gamora: It needs to be faster.

All of sudden, the device showed that his heart shut off. Rocket stopped breathing.

Zoe: Oh, no.

Peter: No, no, no! No! Come on.

Peter began pumping on his chest.

Peter: Come on!

Gamora: Quill.

Zoe: Peter, I think he's...

Peter: No! No!

Zoe: Peter, he's gone!

He began removing wires, trying to bring him back.

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