Chapter 3: You'll Be Okay

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I got a call at three in the morning, and I was wide awake. I still couldn't sleep after what happened to Logan. I answered the call, and it was from the hospital. "Hello?" I said, drowsily. "Hello, is this Jade Thirlwall?" a strong male voice asked me. "Yes, this is she." I said. "You're the one who called in Logan Lerman correct?" he asked. "Yes." I nodded. "Well, he's here and he's not in very good shape." he said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, he has several broken ribs, and his windpipe was nearly crushed." he said. "Oh my god, that's awful! I-is he okay?" I asked. "I'm afraid not. He is alive, but all his fractured ribs will take awhile to heal. The doctors also need to perform surgery to open up his airway because it was damaged." he said. "Oh my god... well, can I come see him?" I asked. "Yes, you may. Visiting hours are in just a few minutes." he said. "Okay, thank you." I hung up, and grabbed my keys off the counter. I got in my car after locking the door behind me, and drove over to Northwest Hospital. I asked the lady up front what room Logan Lerman was in, and she said room forty-five on the second floor. "Thank you." I said, then I took the elevator up to the second floor. Once the doors opened for me, I went searching for Logan's room. I found it, and opened the door. "Jade!" Logan called out when he saw me. Despite having a tube down his throat, he could talk with no problems. "Logan!" I ran over, and pulled up a chair by his bedside. I hugged him tight, and I was just happy to see him alive. "Oh, be careful." he groaned in pain. "Oh, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" I let go, and I felt bad for hurting him. "Well, I've got several broken ribs and my windpipe was nearly crushed by your boyfriend." he said. "You mean ex-boyfriend. I broke up with him, because he's just so abusive. He's always been like that with me, but I can't have him treating anyone else that way." I said. "Jade, you shouldn't have let him treat you like that either." he held my hand. "I know, but it doesn't matter now. Logan, what you did for me was very brave." I said. "Brave? No, it wasn't. I got my ass kicked." he frowned. "It doesn't matter. You did it for me, and that means a lot." I said. "Well, I couldn't have let him hurt you. I love you too much to let anything happen to you, Jade." he looked into my eyes. "Whoa... did you just say you love me?" I asked. "Yes, I do." he smiled. "I... I love you too." I whispered, with tears in my eyes. I just nodded in response, and I kissed him gently on the cheek. "I know this is a bit forward, but would you mind going out with me when I get out of here?" he asked. "No, it's not forward at all. I'd love to go out with you." I said. "Okay. How does bowling sound?" he asked. "Bowling sounds fine." I said. I hugged him again, more gently this time, and he wrapped his arms around me. A vibrating in my pocket interrupted our moment, so I stopped to look at it. "Aw, I have to go." I said, sadly. "So soon?" Logan asked, with an unhappy expression. "Yeah, my sister's having some issues." I said. "Oh, okay. I guess I'll see you later Jade." he squeezed my hand gently. I kissed his cheek again, and smiled at him. "You just get some rest, okay?" I said. "Okay, I will." he promised me, then I left.
I honestly don't know how any medical stuff works, so this is pretty much all made up.

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