Chapter 25: Painful Tears

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~Logan's POV~
I heard my phone go off, and I looked at it. It was my doctor, Dr. Cannon, so I answered it. "Hello?" I said. "Hello, Logan." he said, in that professional voice. "Alright, give it to me straight, doc. What's wrong with me?" I asked him. "I'm afraid that... you have bone cancer Logan." he said. My stomach just went up in my throat, and I felt like I was gonna be sick. "Oh God... what can I do?" I asked. "Well, you're gonna be admitted into the New York City cancer hospital, and you'll stay there until you get better." he said, and that gave me the tiniest sliver of hope. "Okay. Th-thank you Dr. Cannon." I said. "You're welcome Logan." he said. I hung up, and I still had this heavy feeling in my chest. A few minutes later, I got a call from Jade as well. "Hey babe." I said to her. "Hi. I'm not sure why, but I could sense that there's something wrong. Are you alright?" she asked. "Well, your sense was right. Something is definitely wrong." I sighed deeply. "Well, what is it?" she asked. "My doctor just called, and told me that I have cancer. I'm gonna be admitted into the NYC cancer hospital soon." I said. "Oh Logan... I'm sorry." she said. "I'm gonna be getting treatment for it though." I said. "Oh baby, we'll get through this together." she said. "I know we will. I'm just really scared." I started crying, and Jade joined in soon after. "I... I love you, Logan." she said. "I love you too, Jade." I said, through the tears.
~A Week Later~
I'm at the cancer hospital, and I'm getting my first treatment of chemotherapy today. Jade's by my side, and she's holding my hand tight. She leaned in, and kissed my forehead. "I'm here for you love." she said. The doctor came in, and she smiled. "Okay, Logan are you ready?" she asked. "I-I dunno. Is it gonna hurt?" I asked. "The first few times, but you'll get used to it after awhile." she said. She sat down by my other side, and she had an IV. I never was a huge fan of needles, and this one was a pretty good size. She tried to find a vein, and I just looked at Jade. I really didn't want to witness the needle going inside me. I bit my lip and squeezed Jade's hand as she stuck the needle in me. I could feel the fluid being pumped into my veins, and it was the worst sensation I had ever felt. I had to do everything in my power to not pull the needle out. I shrieked with pain, and Jade tried calming me down. "Babe, look at me." she said. I looked at her, and I was breathing heavily. "You okay?" she asked. "Nuh-uh!" I let out another yelp of pain, but I knew the only thing this was doing was wearing me out. "Okay Logan, there's only a bit more. Then you'll be done for the day." she told me. After I was done, she slowly pulled the needle out, then pressed a cloth to my arm. "Here, just hold that there." she said. I held it, and now I just wanted to sleep. My eyelids felt so heavy. Finally, I just gave in. My head hit the pillow, and I was out.
After I woke up, Jade was still there. "I think it's alright if you go home now babe." I touched her hand. "But I can't leave you!" she hugged me. "I'll be okay, sweetheart." I hugged her back. "Okay, I love you." she kissed me softly. "I love you." I said. She left, so it was just me and the doctor. "Your girlfriend seems to be a big help." she said. "Yes, she is. She's always been there for me." I said. "You did pretty well for someone who's getting chemo for their first time." she touched my arm. "Thank you." I chuckled, and then I went into a coughing fit. "Here, drink some water." she offered me some water, and I took a big gulp of it. It helped quite a bit, and I stopped coughing. "You okay, kid?" she patted my back. "Yes, thank you." I said. "You're welcome." she said. I laid down, and just went back to sleep. That first chemo treatment just took so much energy out of me.

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