Chapter 17: Something Beautiful

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~Logan's POV~
I got a call at around three in the morning, and it was from Kyle. "Hello?" I said drowsily. "Logan, come down to the hospital right away! It's happening!!" he practically screamed in my ear. "What? What's happening?" I asked. "Audrey's having her baby! Now, get down here!" he said, frantically. "Okay, I'll be there soon!" I hung up, and quickly got dressed in jeans and a black sweater. I put on my black Converse, and grabbed my keys. I drove down to the hospital in my car, and when I got there, I saw Kyle pacing the waiting room floor. "Kyle, what's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing, I'm just nervous." he said. "What are you nervous about bro? C'mon, sit down and tell me." I sat him down on the little sofa that they usually have in waiting rooms, and put my arm around his shoulders. "What if something goes wrong, Logan? What if... the baby doesn't make it?" he put his head in his hands. "You're a new dad, Kyle. You have every right to be scared, but I bet your baby will be fine." I gave him a hug, and a warm smile. "Thanks, little bro. That actually helped a little bit." he said. "Good, I'm glad." I said.
A nurse came out after what felt like forever, and she had the biggest smile on her face. "Excuse me, Kyle." she touched his shoulder. "Yes ma'am?'" he looked up at her. "You can come see your baby now." she said. "Okay, thank you." we got up, and followed her to Audrey's room. She was holding a little pink blanket, so I knew it was a girl. She looked ecstatic and exhausted, all at the same time. Kyle pulled up a chair by her bedside. "Oh, she's beautiful." he said, and his eyes got all misty. "It's okay, Logan. You can come see her too." she told me. I walked over, and looked down at her. She sure is beautiful, and she looks a lot like her dad. Naturally tanned skin, green eyes, and the same nose. "Wow, she is absolutely precious." I said. "Do you wanna hold her?" she asked. "Can I?" I asked. She nodded, and handed me the baby. I cradled her in my arms, and she was so soft and warm. I rocked her, and sang softly. She smiled, and she had Audrey's cute little dimples. "Do you know what you're gonna name her?" I asked. "I was thinking Kristina Belle... after mom." Kyle said. "I love it. It's a perfect way to honor your mom." Audrey touched his arm. "Yeah. If she was here right now... she'd be so proud." I looked up at the ceiling. "Yeah, she would be... of both of us." he smiled. I gave Audrey the baby back, and she smiled at her. "Audrey, I have a question for you." he said. "Okay, what is it?" she looked at him. "Since we've started a family together, I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" he pulled out a ring, and it was a ROCK! "Oh baby... of course I will!" she cried. He put the ring on her, and they kissed. This was such a beautiful moment... I just had to share it with someone. I called Jade, and she picked up on the third ring. "Ello?" she said. "Hey Jade, guess what?" I said. "What?" she asked. "Audrey had her baby." I said. "Aw, really? Boy or girl?" she asked. "Girl, Kristina Belle." I said. "That's a beautiful name." she said. "Oh, if only you could see her. She's so precious." I said. "I bet she is. Why don't you get a picture and send it to me?" she asked. "Uh... I would, but it looks like they fell asleep." I chuckled. "Come on, We should probably go. Let these two get their sleep." Kyle said. "Okay. Well, I gotta go babe. I'll talk to you later. I love you." I said. "I love you too, bye." she hung up, and I put my phone back in my pocket. Kyle kissed Audrey and Kristina softly, so he didn't wake them, then we left. "Wow, I can't believe this. I'm a daddy." he said. He smiled, and I smiled back. "I'm gonna be the best dad I can be Logan." he told me, then we hugged. "I hope I'm blessed with a beautiful child one day." I said. "You will be, one day. You'll hold that precious life in your arms, and you'll realize that's the day your life truly starts." he said.

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