Chapter 33: Confession

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I decided to call my brother Kyle, so I could tell him what's happening between Harry and I. "Hey little brother!" he said, after picking up the phone. "Hi Kyle." I said. "What's up, string bean?" he asked. "Well, I have something to tell you." I said. "Okay. Let it out, man." he told me. "Kyle... I'm gay, and I'm dating my best friend Harry." I said. Man, that just felt great to get off my chest. "Really? Wow, um... that's great for you." he said. "Are you okay with that?" I bit my lip. "Yeah, dude. You are who you are! I can't change that." he said. "Okay, thanks bro." I smiled. "No problem. Do you want me to tell dad about this?" he asked. "No, I was planning on telling him myself." I said. "Okay. Oh, Krissy's crying again. I'll talk to you later, L." he said. "Bye." I hung up on him, and called dad soon after. "Hi Logan." he said. "Hey dad." I laid down on my bed. "What's on your mind, my son?" he asked, in a sort of godfather-ly voice that made me laugh. "I've got something important I need to tell you dad." I said. "Okay, go ahead." he said. "Uh... I'm gay, dad. And I'm dating my best friend Harry." I said, for the second time. "Logan, I'm proud that you'd be brave enough to tell me." he said. "Really? You're okay with this?" I asked. "Of course! I know that times have changed now, and I love you for who you are." he said. "Thank you dad. I love you too." I smiled. "Well, I gotta go. I'm tired, and I think I'm gonna take a nap." he yawned loudly. "Haha, okay dad. Sleep well." I said, then I hung up. Of course, I decided to call Harry up next. "Ello babe." he said, after answering his cell. "Hi." I smiled at the sound of his lovely British accent. "You alright?" he asked sweetly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I asked. "Because you're calling me on a Sunday afternoon." he chuckled. "What difference does it make?" I chuckled. "You have never called me on a Sunday afternoon. It's just a bit of a surprise." I said. "Okay, well... I told my brother and my dad about us." I said. "Oh, yeah? What'd they say?" he asked. "They were okay with it. Kyle seemed a bit shocked though." I said. "That's great, babe. Not your brother being shocked by it, but them being cool about it." he said. "Yeah. But anyway, how are you?" I asked. "Oh, just peachy keen, jelly bean." he said. There was a knock on the door, and I was wondering who would come here on a Sunday afternoon. "Babe, I gotta go. Someone just knocked on the door." I said. "Okay, bye love." he said. I hung up, and went to answer the door. When I opened it, I saw Harry. "Haz, what are you doing here? We just got off the phone!" I said. "I just thought I'd come see you. I missed you." he wrapped his arms around me, and kicked the door closed with his foot. "How could you miss me? We just went out a couple of weeks ago." I laughed. "What? Is it not okay for me to come see you every once in a while? Just to stop by and say hi?" he asked. "No, no, it's fine. I'm actually glad you're here." I brought myself closer, and pressed my nose to his. "Don't tease me like this babe, just kiss me." he grabbed me by my collar, and pressed his lips against mine. I brought my hands up to his neck, and entwined my fingers in his soft, curly hair. He backed up, and I was pressed against the wall. We made out for a little bit, until he pulled away and blushed. "Too much?" I asked. "Just enough." he smiled, and pressed his forehead against mine. 

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