Chapter 13: Coffee Mornings

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Jade, Audrey, Kyle, and I are heading down to Starbucks for a wake-up cup as I like to call it. We're all tired, and probably worn out. I held the door open, until everyone got in. We ordered our coffees, and sat down at a booth. About ten minutes later, the girl at the desk called Kyle's name. He walked over, paid for the coffee, and brought them over to us. "Thanks." Jade said, as he handed her the coffee. I took a sip of mine, and the coffee ran hot down my throat. Mmm... caramel vanilla. Kyle knows the coffee I like. "Hey Kyle, can I tell you something?" Audrey asked. "Sure babe, what's up?" he put his coffee down, and looked at her. "Uh, there's no real easy way to say this... so I guess I'll just come out with it. I'm pregnant Kyle." she said. His serious expression turned to a warm smile. "Really? You mean I'm gonna be a father?" he asked. "Yes." she nodded. "Oh my gosh... th-this is great." he touched Audrey's stomach. "Wait... you're happy about this?" she asked. "Of course! I've been waiting to start a family with you, Audrey. I love you." he took her hand, and kissed it. "Oh, thank God. I thought you'd be mad... or you'd leave." she said. "No baby, that would never happen. I want this more than anything." he kissed her.
After we finished our coffees, we went back to my house. It was a chilly morning, and it was sprinkling lightly. Jade pulled out her umbrella, and held it over our heads. "Man, it sure did get cold, didn't it?" Audrey said. "Yep, definitely." my teeth chattered, even though I had a coat on. We got back quickly, and we all took our coats off. I sat by the fireplace, and lit it. It was warm and toasty. Jade snuggled up to me, and put a blanket around us. Audrey and Kyle squeezed in by us, so we were all sitting in front of the fire. "So, do you think the baby's gender should be a surprise or should we find out when we go to the doctor?" Audrey asked. "I think it should be a surprise." I chimed in.
"I think we should know. I really wanna know what we have here." he said. "I think it should be a surprise." Jade agreed. "Sorry babe, I guess it's gonna be a surprise." Audrey said. "Alright, I guess that's okay." Kyle shrugged. Audrey kissed him, then put her head on his shoulder.

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