Chapter 14: A New Family Member?

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I was sitting on the sofa, watching a movie, and I heard a scratching at my door. I decided to check it out, and I saw a scruffy Golden Retriever puppy sitting by the door. He had the saddest look on his face, and he had no tags or identification. I squatted down by him, and offered him my hand. He backed away, and whined. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." I smiled softly. He moved closer, and sniffed me. I petted him, and he wagged his little tail. "Heh, you're a sweet pup." I said. I coaxed him inside, and he followed me. "Gosh, you must be starving." I said, once we got in the kitchen. I made him a small piece of steak, and put it on a plate. I put it in front of him, and he looked at me like I just sent him to heaven. "It's okay boy, eat it." I said. He nibbled on it at first, then tore into it like it was going out of style. After he was done, he laid on the floor. "Full?" I asked him. He just grumbled, and I laughed at him. "What's so funny, Logan?" Kyle asked. I looked at him, and he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the dog. "Who's dog?" he asked. "I dunno, he was scratching at the door. He doesn't seem to have any tags, so I think I might keep him." I said. "Are you sure about that, little bro? Dogs are a pretty big responsibility, and an even bigger investment of time and money." he said. "Yes, I'm sure. I think he came to my door for a reason. I think he needs me." I said. "Well, okay... have you thought of a name?" he asked. "No, not yet." I said. "How about Dallas? That's what I'd name my dog, if I had one." Kyle said. "Yeah, I like that. I think I'll call him Dallas." I said, and the dog's ears perked up. "Heh, I think he likes it." he said. "I think so too." I gently stroked his soft, fuzzy fur. "He looks like he needs a bath." he said. "Yeah, he does. Come on Dallas, let's go take a bath." I said, and he got up. He followed me to the bathroom, and I ran the warm water. I tried to get him in there, but he wouldn't budge. "Come on pal, it's just water." I picked him up, and put him in there. He didn't freak out or try to get back out, just sat there. I grabbed a cup and some shampoo, and I got him all cleaned up. Once I drained the water, he shook himself dry, and water just went everywhere. I grabbed a towel, and dried him off completely. "There, nice and clean." I said. I helped him out of the tub. I went out to the living room, and Dallas just followed me everywhere. We decided to go to the animal clinic, to get him checked out and see if everything's okay. I'll have to pay for this out of my own pocket, but it's worth it to have this dog. I was called in after I filled out the form, and luckily all he needed was shots. After all that stuff we had to do, I went to Petco to buy him some things. I got his tags and identification, a black collar customized with his name, some chew toys, treats, dog bowls, a leash, and food of course. We went home, and Dallas rode shotgun. I walked inside, and I held all the stuff I bought in my arms. I went in, and put the stuff on the counter. "Kyle, can you help put some of this stuff away?" I asked. "Sure." he got up, and grabbed some of the stuff. We put it all away in no time, then we played around with Dallas and his new chew toys.

True Love (A Logan Lerman Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz