Chapter 7: It's Okay To Cry

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~Jade's POV~
It's been about three weeks since Logan's talked to me. I just hope he isn't mad at me for some reason. I tried to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. "Hey cutie, are you mad at me or something? Call me when you can, okay? I love you." I ended the message. Maybe he's busy? Or maybe something happened to him? Oh no... I should probably check on him. I walked over to his house, and I just went in. "Logan! Are you here?" I called out frantically. There was no response, so I searched the house for him. I saw a lump under his bed, so I walked in. "Logan, are you okay?" I asked. "No, go away. I don't wanna talk to anybody." he said. "Not even me?" I asked. He flipped the sheets back, and he had puffy eyes. "Logan, what happened to you?" I asked. "M-my mom died." he said. "Baby, I'm so sorry." I said, and he started to cry. "God, it hurts so bad." he said. I laid in bed next to him, and held him. "It's okay to cry, you don't have to hide your feelings." I said, soothingly. "It's so much easier to hide than to let everything out." he said. "I know, but it's not good to keep everything bottled up." I stroked his hair lovingly. I absolutely adore Logan, and it hurts me to see him like this. "Logan, can I tell you something?" I asked. "Sure." he shrugged. "My mom died too, about three years ago from breast cancer." she said. "Oh." he said. I kissed the tip of his nose, and then his tear-stained cheeks. "Logan... I love you, and it hurts me to see you like this. Please don't cry." I smiled at him, and I was trying to get him to smile. "It hurts too much to smile." he said. "That's okay, I've got enough smiles for both of us." I said, and he chuckled lightly. "There, that's better." I said. "What's better?" he asked. "I like it much more when you're happy." I kissed him on the cheek. "So, if you don't mind my asking, how did your mum die?" I asked. "Well, she had to get open-heart surgery. There were complications, and that's what killed her." he said. "I'm sorry." I put my hand on his shoulders. "I never expected it. I mean, she seemed so healthy." he said. "Yeah, one second they seem fine, the next thing you know the doctor's telling you your mum has cancer." I let out a deep sigh. "Yeah, but at least you understand what I'm going through." he touched my hand.

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