what comes next?

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In the realm where shadows dance,

Where spirits roam and souls entrance,

Lies a tale of ghosts, both lost and found,

Whispered secrets, haunting sounds.

In a forgotten town, so old and gray,

A ghostly presence chose to stay,

A specter of sorrow, a soul in despair,

Seeking solace in the midnight air.

Her name was Lily, a maiden fair,

With raven hair and eyes that stared,

Through the veil of time, she wandered alone,

Her spirit trapped, her heart turned to stone.

Lily's story, a tragic one,

Of love and loss, of what was undone,

In life, she loved a man so true,

But fate's cruel hand tore them in two.

Her lover, William, a brave young knight,

Went off to war, to fight and to fight,

But news arrived, a letter so cold,

William's fate, a tale untold.

Heartbroken, Lily wept and cried,

Her love, her life, forever denied,

In the depths of despair, she took her own life,

A ghostly bride, forever his wife.

Now, in the moonlit nights, she roams,

Through ancient halls and forgotten homes,

Her ethereal form, a shimmering light,

Guiding lost souls through the darkest night.

But Lily's tale is not the only one,

For ghosts abound, their stories spun,

In haunted houses and eerie graves,

Whispered legends, forgotten waves.

There's the ghost of a sailor lost at sea,

Forever searching for his destiny,

His ship, a ghostly vessel, sails the night,

Guided by the stars, his eternal light.

And in the old abandoned school,

A ghostly child, so lost and cruel,

Her laughter echoes through empty halls,

Her spirit trapped within these walls.

Each ghost, a story yet untold,

A haunting presence, a tale so bold,

Their spirits linger, forever bound,

In the realm where shadows dance around.

So, if you dare to venture near,

To the land where ghosts appear,

Listen closely, for their whispers hold,

The secrets of the stories yet untold.

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