tainted views

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In shadows cast by trust betrayed,
A tale unfolds of idols swayed.
Once revered, their halos bright,
Now dimmed by whispers in the night.

A friend, once true, with subtle art,
Corrupted visions from the heart.
Influence woven like a sly thread,
Tainting admiration that once spread.

The idols danced on pedestals high,
Glistening in the admiration's sky.
Yet, through the lens of tainted eyes,
Their flaws exposed, a harsh surprise.

A friend's words, a venomous ink,
Doubts planted, making reason shrink.
Did I, with blinded eyes, adhere,
To idols false, now crystal clear?

The tapestry of friendship strained,
As doubts in my mind were ingrained.
Were these idols worth the gaze,
Or merely mirages in a fleeting phase?

I questioned paths I chose to tread,
If I'd strayed too far, my heart misled.
In the echoes of a once familiar space,
I pondered on my friend's misplaced grace.

The embers of loyalty now flicker low,
As idols faltered in their radiant glow.
But, in the quiet of self-reflection's stream,
I sought the essence of the original dream.

Were my idols human, flaws embraced?
Or, in the shadows, were virtues misplaced?
A journey back to the roots begun,
To rediscover where true friendships spun.

In the labyrinth of doubt, I found,
Resilience to echoes, a solid ground.
For friendships weather storms and strife,
True connections thrive beyond the knife.

So, I questioned the distorted view,
The tainted lens, my vision skewed.
The idols' pedestals crumbled tall,
Yet, friendship's foundation wouldn't fall.

In the realm where doubts would cease,
I found my friends, my heart at peace.
For in the storm, true bonds persist,
And illusions fade, but friendships resist.

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