the pain of love

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Beneath the moon's melancholy glow,

A symphony of heartbreak starts to flow.

In the garden of love, petals now fall,

As whispers of sorrow begin to enthrall.

A fragile vessel, once filled with delight,

Now shattered, scattered in the silent night.

Echoes of laughter now ring hollow,

Heartbreak's specter, a bitter pill to swallow.

Embraced by shadows, a solitary figure weeps,

Love's promises crumble as the heartache seeps.

Fingers trace the scars etched in the soul,

Heartbreak's narrative, an unfolding scroll.

The stars above, witnesses to the pain,

As a heart in fragments, tries to regain

The rhythm of a once harmonious beat,

Now silenced, defeated, in love's cruel feat.

Silent tears, like a river, find their course,

Carving paths through the landscape of remorse.

A canvas painted with hues of despair,

Heartbreak's palette, an artistry unfair.

Yet, within the void, a phoenix may rise,

From the ashes of love's sweet demise.

Strength born from vulnerability,

Heartbreak's essence, a painful alchemy.

In the tapestry of time, wounds may heal,

But scars remain, a testament real.

A mending heart, resilient and strong,

Emerges from heartbreak's siren song.

So let the tears be a cleansing rain,

Washing away the echoes of love's disdain.

For in the aftermath, a spirit mends,

Heartbreak's story, a journey that transcends.

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