a journey beyond childhood's veil

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In the corridors of memory, shadows linger,
A tapestry woven with threads that trigger.
Childhood's echoes, haunting and deep,
Survival strategies, secrets to keep.

Unseen battles fought in silent despair,
A young soul's burden, heavy to bear.
Yet, in the crucible of trauma's grip,
A journey begins, from shadow to light.

Unraveling the knots of survival's art,
A courageous quest, a mending heart.
Each step, a dance with the past's refrain,
Unlearning strategies that once masked the pain.

Brick by brick, walls start to crumble,
As healing hands work to mend and humble.
The echoes fade, replaced by a new song,
A symphony of resilience, where the heart belongs.

Through therapy's embrace and self-discovery,
Unraveling becomes a path to recovery.
No longer bound by the chains of the past,
A metamorphosis, free at last.

In the crucible of growth, a phoenix rises,
From the ashes of old, a spirit revises.
Unlearning, relearning, a journey profound,
A healing symphony, a new life's sound.

Poems From The HeartWhere stories live. Discover now