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In the shadows of a world unknown,
A child concealed, a secret sown.
Within the heart of a sheltered shed,
A life untold, a tale unsaid.

Parents, fearful of the world's cruel art,
Hid their precious one from the very start.
In solitude, where sunlight barely crept,
A hidden haven, where innocence slept.

No laughter echoed, no friends drew near,
For the parents' love, a fortress to rear.
In the cocoon of solitude, the child did dwell,
Shielded from a world that could cast a spell.

Beneath the moon's soft and watchful gaze,
The child grew in this secluded maze.
A garden of dreams, carefully tended,
Yet the whispers of the world, untimely, descended.

Through the cracks in the wooden walls,
Sounds of the outside, distant calls.
Yet the parents stood guard, unwavering, strong,
Determined to shelter, to right the wrong.

The child, in ignorance, found solace sweet,
Unaware of the world's bustling streets.
Imagination bloomed in the shed's small space,
A haven of dreams, a sacred grace.

Yet, as seasons changed and time swept by,
Curiosity sparked in the child's bright eye.
A longing to explore, to feel the breeze,
To taste the world beyond the trees.

One fateful day, the parents hesitated,
A glimpse of the world, emancipated.
The shed's door creaked open, revealing the light,
As the child stepped out into the day, so bright.

In that moment, innocence collided with truth,
The world's complexity, uncensored, uncouth.
Yet, within the child, resilience unfurled,
For love and shelter had shaped this world.

A tale of seclusion, a journey untold,
Where a child's spirit, brave and bold,
Emerges from the shed, into the unknown,
A symphony of life, a destiny sown.

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