lies of love

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In the realm where dreams entwine,
A tale of love, both sweet and malign.
Not the fairytales we've been sold,
But a saga of truths, both young and old.

Once upon a time, in passion's sway,
Hearts danced in the moonlit ballet.
But behind the curtains of love's grand show,
Lies unfolded, like secrets in the undertow.

Eyes met, a spark so bright,
Igniting a flame, a celestial light.
Yet shadows lurked in the corners unseen,
As whispers of heartache painted the scene.

Promises woven with silken threads,
Soon unraveling like webs in missteps.
Fingers entwined, but reality spoke,
Of love's tumultuous journey, hearts awoke.

In the garden of emotions, blooms and thorns,
Petals of joy, with sorrows adorned.
Love's melody played a bittersweet tune,
As hearts embraced both the sun and the moon.

The fairytale's gloss, a fleeting facade,
For love bore scars, both gentle and hard.
Through laughter and tears, a complex dance,
A symphony echoing life's nuanced romance.

Battles fought in the trenches of the soul,
Love's journey, an unpredictable scroll.
Yet in the agony, resilience took flight,
A phoenix rising from the ashes of the night.

The heart, a fragile vessel, weathered storms,
Yet, with each scar, a testament transforms.
For in the lies, a truth emerges clear,
Love's essence is found in both joy and tears.

So, let not the illusions of tales misled,
Guide your heart where the realities tread.
For in the lies of love's intricate art,
There lies the beauty, the beating heart.

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