lovely loneliness

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Within the walls of a house, where shadows play,
A silent symphony of solitude holds sway.
A lone soul navigating through halls of despair,
In a residence once called home, now stripped bare.

Echoes of laughter replaced by silent screams,
A fractured reality, shattered dreams.
Family ties turned chains, a heavy weight,
Loneliness echoing through each closed gate.

In the heart's chamber, a quiet plea,
As isolation thrives in this family tree.
Abuse, a venomous serpent, slithers near,
A child's cries unheard, drowned in fear.

Rooms filled with echoes of harsh words,
A sanctuary turned battlefield, where silence hurts.
Loneliness grows within the stifling air,
A desperate hope for someone to care.

The kitchen, once alive with shared meals,
Now a battleground where bitterness steals.
A child's solitude, a painful art,
Locked away, yearning for a fresh start.

The living room, where love should reside,
Now harbors secrets, where pain tries to hide.
A solitary figure with a heavy heart,
Seeking refuge in the silence, torn apart.

In the bedroom, a haven turned cold,
A child's innocence, a story untold.
Loneliness becomes a constant friend,
In the darkness, where broken dreams suspend.

The corridors echo with footsteps heavy,
A child's heart yearning for a love so steady.
Yet, within these walls, hope flickers still,
A resilient spirit, against its will.

In the attic, a box of forgotten dreams,
A repository of tears, stifled screams.
Loneliness, a silent witness to the strife,
In a house once full of the essence of life.

Through cracked windows, moonlight seeps,
A solitary soul within darkness weeps.
Alone in a house filled with echoes of pain,
Longing for sunshine, for love to regain.

Yet, in the solitude, strength takes root,
A yearning for freedom, an unwavering pursuit.
For even in darkness, a flicker remains,
A hope for healing, where the heart reclaims

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