the sad truths

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In the shadowed halls of camaraderie,
A fellowship once bound by ties untold,
We danced in circles, hearts intertwined,
As moonlit laughter through the night did unfold.

Yet time, that cruel puppeteer, did play,
Its strings pulling our union astray,
At first, a subtle change, imperceptible,
Like whispers of the wind through leaves so negligible.

Overthinking, I whispered to myself,
As glances grew distant, like fading stars,
But the gnawing ache, a shadowed truth,
Became a dagger, stabbing through my heart.

Each gathering, a masquerade of sorrows,
Masked smiles, veiling a rift deep and wide,
No longer held in the warmth of kinship,
I found myself alone, my solace denied.

The echoes of their laughter haunted me,
As I lay in solitude, tears staining my pillow,
A mournful dirge composed in loneliness,
A requiem for bonds lost in the ebon billow.

Grief, an unwelcome companion,
Wrapped its tendrils around my soul,
As I grappled with the bitter realization,
That once-vibrant friendships had taken their toll.

Yet, like a raven in the night, hope lingered,
A distant flicker in the vast expanse,
For in solitude's embrace, strength emerged,
A phoenix rising from the ashes of circumstance.

In tears, I found catharsis, a cleansing rain,
Washing away the residue of abandoned ties,
For in the desolation, resilience took root,
A solitary bloom in a garden of goodbyes.

Thus, the pendulum swung, a pendulum of fate,
And I, the mourner and the architect,
Wove a tapestry of my own survival,
In the melancholy echoes of friendships wrecked.

Poems From The HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora